How to get TradeStation

Tradestation 8 is a great platform and far superir to 2000i. Forget 2000i. As for Multicharts, there is a long way to go before that becomes something serious IMO.

Only problem with TS is customer service is terrible, automation needs to be monitored at all time, great but lot of issues and fianlly the portfolio testing requires rina add on which is more expensive than most people would think resonable.

I do a few 1000 rt's / month through TS brokerage and have few problems. It is probably still best currently available. Downside is that they so not have Liffe/LME access yet.
Advantage futures can offer you acces to Liffe eurex and eruonext
I also kno they can offer you lower commissions
they can execute tradestation automated trades via ninjatrader

drop my broker a line [email protected]
greg108 said:

Dear colleagues traders,
I have been checking the link for non-professional users not wanting to open an account and the subscription seems to me very expensive? We are speaking about $250/month? (+ data feeds)

What are the advantages of TS8 against TS2000i? How Owndata alone can help? In my understanding this is only a gatweay/bridge to covert data from other sources (e.g. IB) into TS. Would it allow to commit on a less expensive version of the software. 🙄

Isn't it better to buy the previous version then? TS2000i should still to good. It is my impression or the software costs are increasing> 🙁

I would be interested to buy owndata and TS8, some one offered it to me for 700 euros, but I am not sure these are registered version. How is it possible I can get them for €700 if their total price is more than $3,000? (I saw owndata for $995). Are out there any resellers who can provide discounted prices for this software.

Owndata seems very interesting to me as I have a IB account and therefore I could easily used their feeds.

Thanks for your help.
I have IB as well as TS - as a backup broker. It can prove useful at times.
Also TS now provides all the data I need so I have waived goodbye to global server (ts 2000i data collection software) and that has saved me hours of time.
If you do 10 round turns a month on a futures contract its free - I don't view that as onerous for the package compared to owndata, etc.
You only have to try and collect data for a whole quarter to realise how difficult it actually is - what with internet outtages, holidays, illness,etc and then you have to clean it and then to get a continuous contract you have to thread it altogether.
I estimate it takes 30 - 40 hours a month to do this.
Don't think owndata is an "Easy" option.
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