Cadavre: It seems very complicated to do back-testing ... probabilistic answer to such a question, much like the link referred to above purports to do.
Trading systems that consume BT models are usually unaware of the date (market is open or it is closed). TS world limited to current tick - B tick W tick - your post hints requirement for hard dates (easier to time trades to ECB counterfeiting and rumors that the fast but not too bright HFT admins think non-existent retail traders follow 😈 )
Back testing equities is not so much complicated (the number of parameters - aka model - rendered for trading system - trying to count - depending on number of dynamic floors and stops - can be as few as a dozen - maybe less) as it is tedious. Even single share modeling will score 10 Thousand prospective models before the money model is rendered and in the background ya got a tad of FIFO cost averaging to contend with.
It would not be unusual for a back test modeling machine to score monte carlo - CAGR - awa total returns to rank rendered scenario performance.
Speaking of BT-ing options (were we?) Have seen an EOD history for every SPX option ever all the way back to whenever . CSV format packed to zip file is about 45 MBs - datz one big multi-GB CSV that Excel ain't never gonna eat - ref: OPTSUM(?) / AMIBROKER(?). Liked that data cause the underlying "last" was timestamped to the option's.