How to find out when Rating Agency issue a statements ?

karol sokol


Im very new to the trading. I have been trying to get as much information as its possible in order to find out and get the best trade.

Im a day trader. and One day I have checked the news and all the stuff and suddenly that day S&P have announced that 10 EU countries are going to be downgraded.. suddenly index went down so much so I coulnd not afford it and I lost my money.

Has anyone got any source that I can find out about rating agencies where and when they will annouce bad news so I can be prepared. Economic Calendar does not indicate that.

I will appreciate your comments

These dont have set days/dates when they announce these releases although sometimes they "tip their hand hand" as to when an upgrade/downgrade is looming. People pay a lot of money to make sure they are first to hear such news, easiest way is to get a real-time squawk service that announces news as it breaks such as RAN squawk. But if you are new to trading i wouldnt bother it isnt going to be the deciding factor as to whether you make it or not. Otherwise i suggest you just keep bloomberg/cnbc on in the background the whole time you are trading. You will get the news reasonably quickly maybe delayed by a minute or so. But at least youll know whats going on.

Unexpected news releases are both the scariest scenarios for day traders and also the most relished opportunities, it depends how you trade/experience etc. But always have an emergency stop in place in the market in case something unexpected happens.
thank you tommog for your advice. This is how i have started i watch bloomberg all the time.. and check out some news on cnbc, I agree there are lots of useful news on bloomberg. They actualy had an annaucement few hours before rating agency have downgraded 10 eu countries, but it was too late for me. Anyway I need to learn more and get more experience in this sector. I will be watching and looking more at this forum.

Thank you and appreciate your comment.
very interesting, I might as well look in too it! I think this might help my trading a bit 🙂 thanks for sharing 😀