• New to T2W? Welcome! This forum contains a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) that new members want answers to. We don't allow new threads to be created so if you have an idea for a new FAQ please post it in the How the FAQs work thread.

Sticky How the FAQs work


The FAQs contain a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) that new members want answers to.

Each FAQ has the same format . . .
Post #1 - Short Answer
Post #2 - Long Answer
Post #3 - Useful Links
Post #4 and Onwards - Your posts!

Posts #1-3 are written by the T2W Content Team. We’ll update them periodically based on your answers and ideas.
Post #4 and onwards are your contributions. Every so often, the Content Team will housekeep these posts to ensure that each FAQ remains concise and on topic.

How can I contribute?
• If you have a suggestion for a new FAQ, please post it here.
• If you think you can improve on the existing answers, please post your suggestion(s) to the relevant FAQ thread.
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Are spread betting companies ripping me off?
What is a simply connected closed 3-manifold?
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What about the recurring classic questions of:
Whats the best way to trade...
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Don't know, perhaps these are interesting too:

How much winning trades should I have?
How do I come up with an edge?
How do I follow my plan?
well i think that there is nothing to think about the faq or something i think one should only focus on trade
Don't know, perhaps these are interesting too:

How much winning trades should I have?
How do I come up with an edge?
How do I follow my plan?
well I imagine that there is nothing to consider the faq or something I figure one should just concentrate on exchange