How out of it can you be and trade?


Legendary member
This could be an interesting experiment. Some of us are system traders, but most of us are gut traders, and it would be interesting to see how much certain chemicals effect us.

Thus, I am interested in a trading experiment on complete wastedness. For obvious reasons I won't be doing this at work, but I can certainly have a go spread betting...

I'm thus looking for volunteers in this experiment, that is to say spread betting small amounts of cash when under the influence of various amounts of chemicals. No illegal drugs will be involved, but some unusual legal ones - primarily dextromethorphan - will be 🙂

If you're interested please sign up here.
Great idea,

One other requirement I would suggest is "volunteers" much place all bets by phone.
Try and get a drug that slurs your speech.

Sorry I didnt see this before I answer:

When exceeding label-specified maximum dosages, dextromethorphan acts as a dissociative psychedelic drug. Its mechanism of action is as an NMDA receptor antagonist, producing effects similar to those of the controlled substances ketamine and phencyclidine (PCP).

Sorry I didnt see this before I answer:

When exceeding label-specified maximum dosages, dextromethorphan acts as a dissociative psychedelic drug. Its mechanism of action is as an NMDA receptor antagonist, producing effects similar to those of the controlled substances ketamine and phencyclidine (PCP).


Check out the 'DXM FAQ' here:

Erowid DXM Vault : DXM FAQ - The Experience

.. in particular:

"Again, let me warn you of the dangers here. You are probably stepping head first into psychosis, and unless you've got a very good trip sitter, you might end up coming back to reality in a padded room. Or, if you're really unlucky, you might freak out, have a hypertensive crisis, and end up in the hospital."

Who's going to be the designated trip-sitter?
I tried looking at the charts once while I wasn’t under the influence of anything, like commonsense, and none of it made sense. Cured me.

If I could give one piece of advice to newbies - Don’t Trade Straight!
I think these sorts of experiments (similar) have been done in the past, Cap'n... There's a few that have looked at decision-making while aroused (guess what, people get all f*cked up), etc. I don't think you will find anything particularly eye-opening, no disrespect intended. Were you planning a proper double-blind study with a control group and all?
There was an FSA case this week of a US IB trader in commodities who came back from a "lunch" and put on a big old position. He knew it was bad on his closing mark so tried to trade out of it. He traded over an hour on average of 1 trade every 10 seconds or something similar.
yeah some guy at stanley, he was 10% of the volume that day... then held it over the weekend, well in breach of limits...
I remember a pretty solid day I had a few years back when I ended up jobbing usdjpy from the pub all afternoon (those were the days) just using a phone and a Reuters pager. But the fact that it was years ago and I still remember it tells you everything you need to know about i) how feasible this is and ii) what you can and can't get away with these days.
The only time I have done something incredibly (as opposed to just very) stupid when trading involves disabling risk limits when drunk and spoofing with 50 000 lots.

Could have gone rather wrong that.
to be honest if you'd have hit the bid or lifted the offer you would probably have made money.

i have been in some right royal states behind screens. really stupid when you think about it but it is great fun at the time.

standard practice was to leave orders way away from the market and head to local. assume if you get filled it is a fat finger and not the ECB raising rates by 10%.
I remember one time we had a genuine fire alarm and the whole of the spot desk ended up down the pub managing orders with a collection of phones, pagers, people talking to the bookies etc. Weren't really drinking much though - it was just a nice sunny spot where they had tables we could sit at till we got the call to say we could come back in to the building.