If he makes 30pip/day, that's £15 a day or £3750 a year, hence 375% I think!
I must say getting the direction right 80% of the time would be damn good! for me anyway! I only manage 43% at the moment!
Sure, I'm usually able to get the direction right when I trade BUT there are many, many days where I don't know, so sit on my hands, which kills the return a bit (as well as the feeling in my hands
😀 ). On those days, I'm not making money, but I'm not losing money. That's the joy of swing trading - 2-3 trades a week is more my reality... but as I say, that's what I can do and that's what I
must stick to. I am sure there are Daytrader Daves out there who are raping the market day in, day out. The minute I try to compete with them, I will blow up my account. I've tried it in the past. It's just not for me. I can be my best friend or my own worst enemy.
Example: Monday night, my plan for Tuesday was to wait for a dip in the Euro to buy. I was willing to risk 20 pips. You can see the move was worth 150 pips. (Sadly, I was a lazy ******* and got up at 10am.
😱) I was also looking to sell USD/JPY, which only moved later in the day, so lazybum over here was able to grab a few pips, again, risking just 20. Today, I have nfi, so I'm going to browse forums all day and wait for tomorrow. As I said to someone recently, if you don't see a trade, don't trade; do anything else - read a book, watch a DVD, play a game, go shopping, have a wank but whatever you do, don't trade.
(Hehe. US swear filter?)