how low will the prop industry go?

office beef !

does she not work with you?

"I think I sit in the other half of the room - someone mentioned this 'guy that trades crazy stuff like wheat'. We have a bit more freedom now, I'll come looking for you..."

left on toms wall from the above mentioned person

skill you had a live test yet or still demoing?
If you have 20K and are in London why on earth would you go to some hole like Woking everyday to trade?

Because I dont live that far away / there are worse holes on earth than woking :cheesy: / tradiing from home mean trading at home with the family and all the distractions that entails
Futex is free to ask whatever they want. Even 1million pounds to become their customer. If you feel the price is right, it's your choice. They have very good PR, so it is up to you to believe the hype.
Have you ever traded in a prop firm before?
If not, it means you have no references to make comparisons and my advice
would be to go and visit as many prop as you can.
Just say "I have £20k to burn and can pay you £2k/month. What can you do for me?"
By the way, if you seriously have £20k to burn, let me know as I am a bit short of cash :cheesy:

Its not for burning just gambling away 😆

But yes - I have visited marek as well - they seem better - but they options spread traders. I am more of an intraday/swing futures type. I mean directional trading. I am not averse to spreads - but feel safer with money earned and done for the day.
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Combo, just visit as many firms as possible, talk to the guys trading there, and decide which one you like the most, if any, then do a cost benefit analysis. Treat it like any other business decision.

No one is going to murder you and rape your girlfriend. Well, skill leverage might.
Combo, just visit as many firms as possible, talk to the guys trading there, and decide which one you like the most, if any, then do a cost benefit analysis. Treat it like any other business decision.


Thanks Arabian - as I am a moron I will take your advice :clap:
Moronism ( yes its a word) aside - how long have you been propping for ? And you sound like a spreader earning the spread from some of your previous posts - in contrast to my style which is directional (more fun ?)