You will probably get many contrary replies to what I'm about to say (possibly along the lines of you won't know what trading is until you try for real – and I'll be the 1st to agree with that) but I am of the firm belief that you should not go live until you have convincingly proved to yourself that your demo trading is reliably successful – and that may take some time to achieve and will likely test your perseverance and patience to the limit!
It's probably worth heeding what Mr Charts says. He is one of our long-most serving members and, I believe, has been trading for a living for about 20 years, so he should know a thing or 2 about trading live. I can recommend you to read all of his most helpful stuff but particularly his account of how he transferred from his previous occupation to trading. In that (if I recall correctly) he recommends at least 100 paper trades of a successful nature in order to ascertain reliability and competence.
My logic is: until you can papertrade successfully there is little point in risking real money. And even then you should still be prepared for disappointment. On the other hand, if you've got loads of spare dosh go ahead straightaway – you'll certainly learn lessons you won't forget in a hurry! But all that's only my opinion – others will tell you different.🙂
Your Honor, pls add this gent to the list of T2W untouchables who achieved this lofty status by not trading live
Violet (counter-violent), malaguti, barjon, tomorten, timsk, Signalcalc, batsonar, Rufus_Leakey, postman, Atilla, Nowler, Dentalfloss, Pat494, new_trader, Dowser, postman
Since NVP brought up Mike Tyson, this is how a fight between any of these untouchables and Mike Tyson would go down. And here's the kicker: a fight between Mike Tyson and Mr. Financial Market would go down even faster with Tyson as the loser EVERY DAMN TIME