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t2w is dead
Interesting. Could you give an accurate time of death?
t2w is dead
As for ad hominem attacks - I'm only rude if people act like d*ckheads... 😆
Thanks for all the words of encouragement. I am not at the level as you and other traders are yet so I always like to hear from those with more knowledge. I have not made it to the one year mark trading my plan
I can tell you trading beats go to work 6 days a week fixing broken robots. Although I am not at the level of full time trader.
I journal all my trading online for all to see. Does any one else here? my guess NO
I make videos with me in them for all to see. (not hiding behind a Keyboard ) Does any one else here? my guess NO
When I make a bad trade and lose me ass I talk about it here too. Does any one else here? my guess doubt it.
So ether talk about trading of expect no response from now on. Good trading to all. Allen
What tar doesn't realise is that "live calls" such as saying "Buy FTSE" and then "closed +10" is pretty much meaningless. Please let me explain why:
1. Firstly they are easy to cheat: in a fast moving market where price is moving up and down 10-20 pips in seconds, I could easily say I bought at 10 and sold at 20. Do that a few times a day and I could post a fictitious 100 pip profit; also there are time delays in posting to forums (sometimes minutes before a post is posted) etc.
2. Trading is not just about entry and exit: it is also about risk mgmt, money mgmt, psychology, discipline etc. Most "live calls" I've seen on here evidence none of those areas.
3. Even if the "live call" is true, it may be betting 1c per pip. We all know that putting size on a trade affects emotions. These "live calls" evidence none of this. (If tar made 100 pips at 1c per pip he netted $1, if TA made 2 pips at $20 per pip he made $40. tar looks a genius yet TA makes 40 times more money... you get the point).
4. Arbitrary "live calls" do not show consecutive trade history. Such isolated calls are meaningless...
ffsear's post to tar earlier in this thread, is a great example of some of the above:
Can you imagine tar trading 5-10 full-size contracts in a live account, with a 400 pt SL and 10 pt profit target? LOL
I could go on, but you get the point. However, don't believe me - go ask the professional financial community (hedge funds/institutions/prop firms etc). They will ask to see live trade history. They are not interested in so-called "calls" made on a forum.
PS To answer tar's challenge:
1. Months ago I informed tar how live trades were meaningless - he was unable to refute. I explained how they could be cheated easily with a scalping methodology (and I am primarily a scalper). His response was that I should not trade my method. lol.
2. Furthermore I've already previously made some live calls on fxmo's thread - and also evidenced them with screenshots.
Ok I've bored you all enough...
NO , win rate alone doesn't mean much .
You can make money with a win rate of 30% and you could lose big time with a win rate of 90% . There are other factors to look at like your R:R , max DD is important as well .
For example lets say you have a TP of 10 pips and a SL of 400 pips , and your win rate is 95% . At first glance hey his win rate is 95% what a great trader - zulutrade providers ... etc - but in reality its an ugly performance if we factor other details in .
Thats why i gave a live example from Zulutrade's most famous Signal providers , it was a disaster , traders lost a sh@@ load of money following such strategy it was ugly , saw it live happening infront of my eyes and it was predictable by anyone knows anything about trading .
talking of pretending:
Spanish89 is back on his old twitter handle pretending to be an ex trader for JPMorgan, and a fit GIRL to boot!
.............I just take issue with people setting themselves up as self-proclaimed experts and being rude to others, when they offer zero evidence themselves that they have any trading ability whatsoever. Hope that helps clarify...........
Thank you - v well put.
tar, what we're saying (in the nicest possible way) is "put up, or shut up" ;-)
Ok, then here's a "live" example from your live-call thread...
Stop-loss 390 pts. Your profit 0. 😆
Except it's not. Because you've already told me my trading method is not acceptable to you. Back in Feb, i made the following challenge to you:
I think it's very clear to everyone that you've chosen the latter.
If you were willing to actually answer any of the points put to you I'd continue our lively discussions. But you don't. You just evade real questions and evidence nothing.
I can see no evidence at all that you have done one real trade. I suspect you're just a troll with a severe personality disorder. I am completely wasting my time responding to you, so I'm cutting this losing trade 😉 We're done here - I won't be responding to you again.
Depends where people are coming from:
1. "I am a super trader" = account evidence required
2. "I can make good calls" = live call evidence required
3. "I have a good method" = detail of method required
You are welcome you are welcome you are welcome in the scalping thread with any type of live call you want , with or w/o a stop , it is called the scalping thread and its not my thread anyway and dozens of members post there , so the invitation is open and it is still open , no comments or judgments at all just join with live calls nothing more nothing less , i enter here then i exit here, and i didn't really say your strategy is not acceptable to me .
Re my stops :
As a discretionary trader i use dynamic stops and profit targets , i use a hard SL ( it depends anything from 20 to few hundred points ) , but i close most of my trades manually and most of the time i move them to BE , the hard SL is for emergencies , putting a hard sl sometimes 400 points or even more is not wrong it depends on my profit target , many times positions go +100 and i don't close to see them revert back to BE , and sometimes i close at +20 or -20 , i look at average win vs average loss .
Most of the time i close my losses way less than 100 points away , and many times i try to press my winnings to make average win bigger than average loss . This week i closed 3 Dax trades - in the thread - at -17 , -15 , -20 .
So i don't really let the trades go against me that much and just sit and hope for ever .
A SL is not really your total risk , unless it is a GSL , your risk trading FX and futures is open and it is much bigger than your SL . Your R:R is not really determined by your SL distance .
Invitation link , join me there :
PS. Never said i am an expert 😎
The above is all that is required from all you awesome traders.