you need to stop gambling. it is simply down to you. rather like a cigarette smoker on his last pack, no amount of patches/gum will make you stop. The thing that made me stop was a veteran trader saying to me 'does your wife know you are throwing this money away'. That's what worked for me, others will differ.
only start trading again when you are confident you have a solid edge as evidenced by a rolling 50 trade sample, and then only trade for chump change, scaling up very slowly.
What Lee said about record keeping is spot on, I have only ever met 2 profitable traders and both keep immaculate records.
Of course everyone on the internet is an expert so don't be too hard on yourself, profitable traders are like rocking horse 7hit. very rare.
only start trading again when you are confident you have a solid edge as evidenced by a rolling 50 trade sample, and then only trade for chump change, scaling up very slowly.
What Lee said about record keeping is spot on, I have only ever met 2 profitable traders and both keep immaculate records.
Of course everyone on the internet is an expert so don't be too hard on yourself, profitable traders are like rocking horse 7hit. very rare.