How Forex brokers gamble with your money: The CFTC wants YOU to comment on new requir


Junior member
CFTC issued a statement (scroll down) where it asks for Public (that means YOU) commentary on whether YOUR funds which are deposited with Forex brokers can be invested in risky assets..

So first of all, go ahead and email David Stawick at telling him that this time the CFTC got it right – we don’t want brokers to gamble with our money.

What this means is that up until now brokers could take the money you deposited and invest it in whatever instrument they wanted in order to make more gains while hoping for you to lose money or make a lot of trade volume (commissions).

What I find ironic is that CFTC/NFA sought Public commentary on this issue – which beyond any doubt is for the traders – and not on other key issues such as Anti-Hedging and Anti-Pricing which would have ignited a much heated debate. Someone clearly wanted to avoid any open debate on nonsense requirements AND leave an impression of supposed transparency with issues people find a no-brainer to vote for, such as this one.

Who can claim now that CFTC/NFA isn’t listening to the public?

CFTC Seeks Public Comment on Possible Changes to Regulations for Investment of Funds Deposited with Clearing Organizations and Futures Commission Merchants
Washington, DC – The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) has approved for publication in the Federal Register an advance notice of proposed rulemaking seeking public comment on possible changes to its regulations regarding the investment of customer funds segregated pursuant to Section 4d of the Commodity Exchange Act and funds held in an account subject to Regulation 30.7.
Regulation 1.25 provides that a derivatives clearing organization or a futures commission merchant holding customer segregated funds may invest those funds in certain permitted investments subject to specified requirements that are designed to minimize exposure to credit, liquidity, and market risks. The CFTC is considering proposing amendments that would revise the scope and character of these permitted investments.
Additionally, in conjunction with its consideration of possible amendments to Regulation 1.25, the CFTC is considering applying the investment requirements of Regulation 1.25, including any prospective amendments, to investments of funds held in accounts subject to Regulation 30.7 (accounts for foreign futures and options).
The CFTC seeks public comment on this action before issuing any proposed rule amendments. The comment file will remain open for 60 days following publication in the Federal Register. Copies of comments may be obtained by contacting the CFTC’s Office of the Secretariat, Three Lafayette Centre, 1155 21st Street, NW, Washington, DC 20581, 202-418-5100 or by accessing the CFTC’s website, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Interested parties may submit their comments electronically at All comments received will be promptly posted on the CFTC’s website.
I'd encourage to invest my money in risky assets actually.

If the investment goes bad then they lose too, so they're not going to invest it willy nilly.

If this comes in, then they're going to raise the money through other methods, huge commissions etc.
So, you don't mind your money being gambled on? You don't mind that when you click Withdraw you get a 'sorry, we lost your money in risky assets trying to increase our own profits' message?

So, you don't mind your money being gambled on? You don't mind that when you click Withdraw you get a 'sorry, we lost your money in risky assets trying to increase our own profits' message?


TBH I'd be more interested (in what you have to say) if you'd called the site you're desperately trying to promote "fanny magnet". 😀
So, you don't mind your money being gambled on? You don't mind that when you click Withdraw you get a 'sorry, we lost your money in risky assets trying to increase our own profits' message?

Michael can read right?