How do you upload EFS studies in eSignal?


Attention eSignal users,
Does anyone one know how to download EFS studies into eSignal? I believe that you download the relevant file/study into your local C: drive. After that I get stuck. How do I then import the study into eSignal? I am sure its really simple I have only get the application running last night so I was a bit unsure.
Any help greatly appreciated.

i have just started using esignal, if you go to; customer support/esignal file share a browser opens and then click on esignal university. there is a short video that details efs studies.
Just save them to the directory that you wish to access them from e.g. C:\program files\esignal\formulas\downloads
Then just select them when you right click on a chart go to formulas>downloads and the study is there.
Thank you very much for your replies.TWALKER am I doing something silly? Only when I click on the file it just brings up the script and not the study. I think I am nearly there but I'm not if you know what I mean?

You need to have the chart up. Right click it, then goto Formulas -> Downloads and then select the name of the file



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Thank you very much for your replies.TWALKER am I doing something silly? Only when I click on the file it just brings up the script and not the study. I think I am nearly there but I'm not if you know what I mean?
What you have to do is save the file to, for instance, the Formulas./Library folder within the eSignal folders on your C drive. Then, when you have an advanced chart open, if you right click on said chart, then on Formulas, then Library, you should find the new efs that you have saved. Click on it, and it should load into the chart. If the efs is defective in some way, or does not match your chart templates, it may not work. But otherwise, that is how you do it.

Good luck!
I put together this training video on the basics of EFS Studies. Keep in mind EFS is a pretty complex programming language, so the video certainly can't cover everything... but for those that are just getting started with EFS it should prove invaluable. For more detailed information about EFS beyond the video, I'd suggest the EFS KnowledgeBase.
FTSE Beater said:

You need to have the chart up. Right click it, then goto Formulas -> Downloads and then select the name of the file


FTSEBEATER I think my PC must be possessed by the devil as I just get a blank box ( not yellow) after going through Formula Download. Its as if theres nothing saved but I can see the files if I go onto the c: drive with eSignal. Tried Jay_F's video demo, but my PC wouldn't fire that up either. Any ideas after from putting a sledgehammer to this poxy PC????????


Ah ha. In that case you haven't got the file in the correct place on your computer.
The efs file should go into C:\Program Files\ESignal\Formulas\Downloads. Copy it there, but make sure to put it in the Formulas folder, and not in C:\Program Files\ESignal\Downloads - that folder is used for something else (not sure what though 😱 )

HTH, if not let me know 🙂
FTSE Beater said:

Ah ha. In that case you haven't got the file in the correct place on your computer.
The efs file should go into C:\Program Files\ESignal\Formulas\Downloads. Copy it there, but make sure to put it in the Formulas folder, and not in C:\Program Files\ESignal\Downloads - that folder is used for something else (not sure what though 😱 )

HTH, if not let me know 🙂

Eureka FTSE Beater. It works now. It was just the file path that it didn't like. Thanks very much for your help (and indeed everyone) !!!

I am looking for an esignal formula script (EFS) user guide in .pdf or similar format? Any ideas where one can be found?

Have had a quick search with google but with no success.

Thanks a lot
