How do you run your trading diary?


Active member
So how do you do it?
And do you do it?😏

When i enter the trade i take a screen shot of all 3 time frames that i am watching.
When i exit the trade i also take a screen shot of all 3 time frames.
I also write down in Word every single detail about the trade.

I have also read about more complicated methods of running a diary(Dr.Elder)but it seems to me that this could be good enough.
What do you gals and guys think??
Sounds good although not so good if you do many trades a day. It does mean you will have something to refer to in detail if you suffer drawdowns, so if you can keep it up, then go for it.
Sounds good although not so good if you do many trades...

Nooo,i do not like to trade to much.
I like following statement:
"I just wait until there is money lying in the corner,
and all I have to do is go over there and pick it up. I do nothing in the meantime."👍
So how do you do it?
And do you do it?😏

When i enter the trade i take a screen shot of all 3 time frames that i am watching.
When i exit the trade i also take a screen shot of all 3 time frames.
I also write down in Word every single detail about the trade.

I have also read about more complicated methods of running a diary(Dr.Elder)but it seems to me that this could be good enough.
What do you gals and guys think??

Firstly, note that I don't do forex and i use this method for short term share trades 1-3 days usually. I hope this helps as a comparison of how just 1 person does it & how it works for them.

I take relevant screen shots at entry, exit (and eod if trade lasts longer than 1 day). This is complemented by a proforma (entry,exit,eod) containing all data relevant to my trading system. This includes my thoughts on the trade - why enter, the plan and anticipated exit.

I used to store the charts electronically & the rest hard copy but i now do it all hard copy and store in arch-lever binder because (1) you can TA doodle on the charts (2) when reviewing trades i find it much easier to leaf through and examine & simultaneously compare a series of paper pages rather than calling up a number of PC windows. I also find it useful when reviewing, to have these screen shots at the various stages of the trade - you can then consider the stages in isolation - not so easy when using a complete timescale chart that shows what actually happened the next day (covering up the right hand side doesn't work very well for me!)

I've found this procedure to be really useful for my system but it could be a bit wearisome if you do more than a few trades per day. It has helped me with self discipline (you have to be organised and purposeful to keep this up) and forced me to think about each trade - i used to have a tendency to jump in just a bit too quickly.

I now find it very interesting to go back over old trades and see what, if anything, I would do differently now and why. It's even more interesting to look back at old "potential" trades (I do similar recording for trades which i research and then reject) and see whether or not my conclusions at the time were correct. One of my psychological traits is that i like to be right (yes - I know that it's more important to be profitable than right) so i work with this trait rather than against it by tailoring my system to take it into account.

This is probably all too much if you're a scalper or very short term / numerous trader but it's helped me in my particular style. I suppose if you do lots of trades you could analyse 1 in 10 (get decimated eh?). Perhaps those who trade very frequently and successfully don't need to get as involved as this. I just like to take it steady - did all my running around with hair on fire years ago!

PS. I also keep a personal journal to record my thoughts, ideas, lessons learned and future areas for exploration and development in terms of my trading system and personal psychology. Again, along with the accounts it serves to give a good picture and analysis for ongoing development.
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So how do you do it?
And do you do it?😏

When i enter the trade i take a screen shot of all 3 time frames that i am watching.
When i exit the trade i also take a screen shot of all 3 time frames.
I also write down in Word every single detail about the trade.

I have also read about more complicated methods of running a diary(Dr.Elder)but it seems to me that this could be good enough.
What do you gals and guys think??

Yo dude,

This is ok if you are getting something from it, one saying that springs to mind is keeping it simple. If you can find a better and more efficient way to trade without having to do all this then well done.

As long as you are getting something from it:
This means not just staring at it and feeling good because you feel you are being constructive, I mean learning from it, ie, your failures and successes. After a while you will no longer feel the need to do this and will figure it out in your own time what you need to do and what you dont.

Remember, when you take a screenshot the graph then becomes obsolete to the trade in play as it's telling you only what has happened. Keep abreast of what IS happening without the necessary need to look back in hindsight of your entry, when in your trade, try instead different scenarios whilst the trade is in action and do this on the hard right edge. You'll find that your trading will be immediately taken into many different directions to which there will only ever be one outcome.

The two sayings that come into play here are:
Keep it simple
Too much analysis causes paralysis
I am running the diary because i think it is good for traders evolution.From monkey-business-trader in to trading-for-the-living trader:cheesy:
Every serious business have got a kind of archive so why should trading business be different?
I must say that i am quite green trader,newbie,as it states under mine forum nick-name.
So as i evolve from monkey-business-trader in to trading-for-the-living trader i will have a kind of reminder what i did wrong and what i did right.
I take a shot of the charts when i enter the trade so that i could see WHAT was happening in the given time.
I write a log whit details(much of them) of the trade to know WHY i took this trade.
I take a shot of the charts on the exit so that i can see HOW DID this trade evolved.
I think that in few years i will be laughing while checking early diary records.That would mean that i have evolved a bit👍

I am day trader and i do not like to trade very frequently.That basically means that i take just a few trades daily.If there is just one opportunity i will take just this one.Sometimes i do not trade if there is no opportunity to do so.
So i do not have a ton of trades to enter in mine diary.Running it is not a problem for me.
