if you are trading your plan and your planned stop is hit and assuming you entered to your plans rules then pat yourself on the back, reveiw if anything could be improved, if you entered with no plan and you loose or make money ask yourself. "Why the F*** did i do that?" or words to that effect that will put the question in bold type. look deep into yourself for the answer. scribble notes while you trade, track your emotions, your belief system, therefore YOU mentally, are being too rigid with the fluid environment, learn to flex as the market does. attitudes about your feelings to money itself, sense of work ethics, your EGO all play a part in people putting on trades, not closing them etc..
ive no doubt that trading presents the opportunity for people to look at themselves, like they've never looked before.
The short version for me is, spending time in the garden with the dog,chickens,veggie plot.
above all dont panic, dont beat yourself up, it takes time to learn. have you read the disciplined trader ?
I keep banging on about this book, but it enables you to obtain understanding about the most important aspect in trading, that being YOUR BEHAVIOUR. YOUR BELIEFS. in fact its a good read for anyone trading or not.