Tommog (not so sure I resonate with the whale /small fish analogy, but …) you started this thread with a preconception of ‘how it was’ and there hasn’t been too much one way or the other to convince you, or anyone else holding tightly to their current preconceptions (I know I am to mine!) to think otherwise.
But as far as I can tell, there haven’t been any straight 100% economists or straight 100% Fundamentalists who have responded. A situation I thought would most likely be the case when I PM’d you on this topic.
My point being, given the large membership of this site and given the few that have felt either qualified or inclined to respond, none have been of the 100% straight economist or fundamental persuasion. I sense that is because (personal view) those who are of that ilk do not trade as we trade, if at all. Pure fundamentalists buy companies, not stocks. Economists advise (and then run for cover). In between that lot are the FAs for brokerages, institutions and discretionary brokerages. They are advisers and analysts – not traders.
Of all the independent traders I personally know, there is only one who uses pure 100% fundamental analysis in his decision-making and although not of the Warren Buffet order of magnitude, he does focus his considerable financial clout into just one company at a time and for a period of years, not months, not days and certainly not intraday.
To answer your question through what I am fairly certain is his perspective (I haven’t asked him, but will), technical analysts neither impact no concern him – they are looking at it their way.
The only other thing I would address tommog is in your initial post on this thread your contention that technical boys & girls will ‘often [go] against the overall fundamental picture’. I’m sure some perhaps many, do trade against the primary trend and that can work well in the shorter timefreames if the intermediate and short term are both going against the primary. But in no way invalidates the use of technical analysis. In many ways, this underlines the important benefits of TA over FA in the timeframes that are likely to be of most interest to those on these boards.
I’m wondering if the differentiation between the two disciplines, apart form the superficial approach and tools used, is simply a matter of timeframe?