I can understand where you're coming from. However, you seem to be an emotional trader, not a displined trader. First of all, you've got to ask yourself - why do you trade and what do you trade for? If you just want to have some fun and not trade for the money; then I will totally agree with you. But if you want to make some money, then I disagree.
Maybe there are too many bad signal generators that ruin the reputation of this method. But a good signal generator should be respected as it is rare and hard to get. The human brain can't scan a whole bunch of parameters at a click; whereas a software's capacity extends to more than ten folds.
It's just like how a carpenter needs a hammer, a writer needs a dictionary, a good trader with a good signal generator can achieve at least several times more chances to win. You don't have to follow all the signals if your judgement is better than the signaller, but you still can use these signals as your trading reference for your analysis.
Through my own experiences, the multi cross hedging techniques from the generator at indextradings.com actually works for me.
hi gurutrader,
its great that you have found a signal generator that works and best of luck in that respect. i do agree that there are many dodgy vendors out there that may have ruined the reputation on such vendors in this area which leads to traders to be understandably cautious.
as to the assumption to me being an emotional trader, i would disagree with that point. i actively try to disassociate my emotions from trading as i know that it is the killer when it comes to trading and can often undo many traders if they do not conquer their own fears and greed.
i have reservations with signal generators for the following reasons:
1) i believe trading to be a skill that, once acquired, can be honed to such an extent as to make money similar to my experiences of poker where i am consistent. here, i believe that following a signal generator takes away much of the skill and with all due respect, much of the judgement and knowledge required to apply those skills and as such, my 18 year old sister with no experience of the mkts can simply follow instructions to make money, and i doubt it would be that easy.
2) using signal generators, i place much faith of my hard earned money in the hands of those that send me signals, its one thing to lose my money with my own mistakes, but its another thing to lose money from other's mistakes.
3) what happens when/if the signal generator that has been providing me with profitable results for years and the income from trading that i rely on for years suddenly goes out of business? then i will have not acquired any skills in that duration, find myself still relying on the income and starting from scratch to either look for another generator or learn myself, this reliance, in my opinion, is frankly a daunting prospect for me.
altho, im not knocking what you say, and no offense meant in this post. its just my view on things and at this early stage of trading for me is worth expressing i suppose!
just my 2 pips