How do I represent weekly/daily timeframe on 4 hr chart?


I need help in finding out how to represent the daily and weekly time frames on the 4 hr chart as represented by a line, much like how an ema appears. Can someone help me? I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.
Please explain further. Are you looking to plot a certain daily or weekly moving average on a 4 hour chart? what are you trading? FOREX, Stocks, Futures?
I'm trading FOREX. I'd like to represent a weekly/daily chart (price average) on the daily time frame, so it appears like a line, much like an ema does. I would like to see the higher time frame for trend direction on the lower time chart. So if I'm on the hourly chart to enter a trade, I can see the trend for the weekly and/or daily represented on the hourly. Is what I'm looking to do really an ema? I'm new at trading. Thanks for your help.
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OK, so there are (6) 4 hour bars in a day. In order to watch say a daily 20 EMA on a 4 hour chart, you would multiply 20 times 6 and plot a 120 period EMA on the 4 hour chart. Or at least, that's how I would do it.
I kind of understand. Still a bit confusing. Not with your explanation, but how to do this. It would be great if I could be on the daily chart, turn it into a line chart, and add this to the 4 hr chart. I'm not so much wanting an ema, as I just want to see the trend appear on the lower time frame, instead of moving back and forth between the charts.
I kind of understand. Still a bit confusing. Not with your explanation, but how to do this. It would be great if I could be on the daily chart, turn it into a line chart, and add this to the 4 hr chart. I'm not so much wanting an ema, as I just want to see the trend appear on the lower time frame, instead of moving back and forth between the charts.

Ah, ok, "i'm sorry. You want to OVERLAY one time frame onto another. I have no idea how to do that, sorry. Also, keep in mind that the scaling may get screwed up.
You should be able to get an indicator programmed up for that. If you want it done quickly you could go to a website like and ask someone to program it for you. Will probably cost around $30 dollars and will not take long..... Otherwise you might spend weeks searching around for it on the internet. I've never seen an indicator that shows daily and weekly line charts on the 4 hr time frame although I have an indicator that shows 4 hour candles on 1 hour time frame! Try or

Once you have paid for it, share it here 😆

Thanks megamuel. I'll look into it. By the way, is your indicator given away on this site? If so, where's the link for it. I'd like to check it out. Thanks🙂
For some reason the indicator is showing up on my MT4 platform but not in the folder so I can't find it to send it to you. I will try again tomorrow. I don't think it is what you are looking for anyway to be honest.

I think you are making things much harder than you have to. A moving average based on a daily chart won't change during the day. Why do you need to see it all day? It won't change hour to hour.

Also, if the daily ema may be at a price level that is way off from your hourly chart so it won't even show up unless you zoom out several times.

i would use super trend , if you set the multiplier to 24 on the H4 charts you will get the weekly trend near enough .


I think you're making this harder than necessary.

Take a horizontal line and draw in the weekly close on your 4 hour chart. I don't know what your charting package is but you should be able to find a way to draw a line where you can choose start and end point. Draw a few of these and you're done. I don't know how weeks back your 4 hour chart goes, but I don't imagine it will take very long to draw enough lines in.
I kind of understand. Still a bit confusing. Not with your explanation, but how to do this. It would be great if I could be on the daily chart, turn it into a line chart, and add this to the 4 hr chart. I'm not so much wanting an ema, as I just want to see the trend appear on the lower time frame, instead of moving back and forth between the charts.

Not sure if this is what you are looking for might be worth a try.Pick a chart if using MT4,start with the Daily, magnify the chart and then use the Rectangle shading tool and shade the High to Low.
Then still on the same Daily chart shade the Open/Close.(change colour of shade).
On the same chart change to what Timeframes you wish.
If using multiple charts repeat the same process for every seperate chart starting with the Daily


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I just want to say thanks to everyone who has contributed. This was my first post, and am humbled by all the generous comments. Thanks for all your insights.