Hi Paul,
As you're aware, I've outlined a few ideas re. the 'Articles' section on your 'We're Hiring . . .' thread. What strikes me about the suggestions made on that thread and this one is that most of them are not only good, they also complement one another. There doesn't appear to be much conflict of opinion about how the section could be improved - which is great. I would just add that whilst I like this idea of Tony's, the scale of the task is quite daunting, unless the content editor has an army of assistants to help him/her! ". . . for your content editor to set about setting up a proper cross-referenced knowledge base. What we have at the moment is not really close to what I’m thinking of. . . I’m thinking of something like a Wikipedia (Wales is only just getting the idea about review and edit bless him) for t2w - something a little more gutsy than investopedia."
Re, the 'Reviews' section, here are a few observations . . .
At the moment, the review section has a prominent position on the home page. I think this should be removed as I suspect that few members use it. When one logs on, I think that most people (regular, active members that is) go straight to the forums via the 'view posts' or 'view threads' links. Relatively few people log on and see that there's a new review (of ODL Markets, or whatever) and decide to read it. The link in the red bar at the foot of the page needs moving to the one at the top of the page as, I suspect, few people realise it's there. They tend only to scroll down to the foot when they're actively searching for something. Additionally, maybe a link to the appropriate review could be added under the forum heading. E.g, 'Platforms' > 'Brokerages' > 'Review Brokers'. Or, 'Platforms' > 'Spread Betting' > 'Review Spread Betting Firms', etc. By the same token, anytime a member starts a new thread about a subject that has a review, ideally there would be a link to the review direct from the thread. I've no idea how practical this is or if it could be automated? If not, it's extra work for somebody which may not be welcome!
As you know, the 'order by' filter isn't working and needs fixing. However, I think the categories by which the subjects are be sorted ought, ideally, to be tailored to the topic being filtered - especially the books section. At the very least, there ought to be a 'most popular' or 'getting started' filter so that newbies are quickly directed to books like John's. (That another pint you owe me John :cheesy🙂 As things stand currently, the list is much too long and needs to be sorted into manageable bite sized chunks.