Hot Signals - Looking good


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I may use this period before the American open in the future to do some fundamental analysis to support the technical research conducted by HotSignals as Im enjoying searching about companies and finding out a bit more about them 🙂 and forming views Buffet style.

USB from what I have read appear to be well set to produce a a good set of results for any stress tests that may be conducted by the Fed and this could turn out to be a fundamental reason for the price to increase.

US Bancorp News - Topix website has been added to favourites and look pretty useful and interesting for a number of different things - not only trading.

(Risk warning: No one should be placing any of these trades without their own thought and on my opinions and the information provided in this thread)
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Update: U.S. Banco was added to portolio close to open of trading. Currently up 17% after a gap up.(I Stuck a bit of real cash on this one 😀).

Also looking over the other choices and the sectors and companies are all performing in line with predictions. Mining/gold companies which made up a large number of the downward signals are falling in line with gold prices. Healthcare companies which were also a number of the down trend choices are dropping with worries from Obamas budget report implications.


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End of day 4:

Today as mentioned above U.S Banco was thrown in to the mix of stocks in my portfolio:

CocaCola- Short
Medtronics- Long
Pepsi - Short
U.S Banco - Long

at the start of the day I had to change a few of the automated stops to free up some margin to place the U.S Banco trade and good thing I did 😀

Today also for the first time I did not leave the trades till close and took of the Pepsi and Banco trades during the day. Medtronics got stopped out for a loss after changing the stop.

Daily Change :

Pepsi: -138.0
Medtronic - 204.0
Coca-Cola- 2.0
U.S Banco + 214.0

Account summary:

Medtronic (SL hit) - £64
Pepsico + £86
U.S Banco + £114
Coca-Cola is still runing and currently showing a profit of £120
Account value is now £1154 and this does not include the profit from the coca-cola trade.

Views of the Day:
wow 😀 U.S Banco truly was a hot signal 😀 at one point of the day it was up 18%
Im a bit disppointed with Medtronic but should mention the prediction was for over a week ago now and what disappoints me is that when it first opened on day 1 was showing a profit of more the todays stop out and would have been the appropiate time to take it off. Also calulating the costs of the spreads I must have donated about £250 so far to etx and should be now sitting on a much larger sum 🙁

After looking in to U.S Banco before the open I decided to place the trade with some real cash and was late to place the demo trade and this is why the banked amount is lower then the daily change.. (made close to 150 points so cant say I am complaining 😀). Pepsico also made new lows today and might have made the wrong choice in closing this position and might find myself adding to etxs spread donation if I reneter the trade tommorow. Also Coca-Cola looks ready to break out from its range and also make new lows.

The target of £84 over 14 days has currently been quadrupled after 4 :-0 and thats taking into account my lazy entries and exits and also the spreads.:clap: These are definetly some Hot!! signals.


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Looking over todays selections :

US Banco (Uptrend)
Wells Fargo (uptrend)
Coca-Cola (downtrend)
Medtronic (downtrend)

Medtronic has been downgraded from a buy to sell -
I might have to get back into U.S Banco -

Bit disapointedabout Medtronics as like mentioned in an earlier it post it was making a nice enough profit at one time - also warning bells shouldhave rung yesterday in my head when a number of other companies in the same sector appeared as sell signals - all this put with the fact the initial buy signal is over a week old has meant I have missed the opportunity to make some nice moves both ways 🙁
Wells Fargo looks like a nice new addition to the portfolio and I will now spend a short while conducting a bit more research before the open on a plan of course for the day :smart:


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End of Day 5 results and brief outline of how the day played out :

After looking at the daily chart of Wells Fargo (candlestick pattern) and while watching Bloomerg before the open it became evident that the banks might be taking a hit so I decided to wait for the price to enter closer to the area marked on chart beofre placing a buy order.

The Coca-Cola trade was closed for a profit of £125
Medtronic was entered as a short a bit late in the day and was closed for a profit of only £30
I then re-entered Coca-Cola for some reason 😱 once again incurring the dreaded spread. (currently showing a loss of £17)
Also likewise U.S. Bancorp was re-entered as a buy once again (currently showing a loss of £17)
Pepsico was also entered late in the day and has been left running (currently showing profit of £42)

Daily changes according to Etx

Coca-Cola (s) - 18.0
Medtronic (s) - 225.0
Pepsico (s) - 120.0
US Bancorp (b) - 57.0

Once again I have managed to take some good opportunities to make a large number of points and thrown it away with my own poor management 😱 - In my defence this has mainly been due to me concentrating my efforts on forex and the way I normally trade my real account.

Anyhow the account balance is currently £1309.0 and the open trades are showing a total of £9 profit.

Later I will post a more thorough set of results for the experiment which will include graphs, with the details of when the signal was receieved and a few tables of more accurate and easier to understand results.

YouTube - 32.How to Trade the Morning/Evening Star Candlestick Pattern


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Results of experiment:

Date of signal - Company - Direction - Cost of Spread

19th - Medtronic - Uptrend - 20
23rd - Coca-Cola - Downtrend - 26
24th - Pepsi - Downtrend - 32
25th - U.S Bancorp - Uptrend - 14
- Pepsi - Downtrend - 32
26th - U.S Bancorp - Uptrend - 14
- Medtronic - Downtrend - 20

Sum of total profits taken or lost from each Company and costs of spreads depending on number of times entred.

Coca-Cola - £180 profit - £52 on spreads
Medtronic - £66 loss - £60 on spreads
PepsiCo - £86 profit - £32 on spreads
U.S. Banco - £114 Profit - £14 on spreads

The best indication of how the signals have performed (and how badly I have been capitalising on them 😱) comes from looking at the following graphs though

- the cross hair indicates the price on the day of the close on which day the signal was generated
- the coloured dots then indicates the next signal being received
- the direction of the signals is indicated in the name given to the chart

After week one the percentage increase of the account has been about 33% (could have easily been a lot more😱) and if these results continue.... using the compounding calculator on the homepage of HotSignals a target of 1 million could be reached within a year :-0 ( 77.83 % monthly increase equals a million after one year with an initial amount of £1000)

Its clear from the graph how well the signals work and I might make this the conclusion of this experiment and next week concentrate on conducting these trades for some real cash and my normal trading as even though HotSignals has been easy to use posting the graphs and commentary has been rather time consuming 👍

The real money I stuck on U.S Banco has made more then enough to cover the cost of the service for the next year so when the free trial finishes next week Im all set to begin making my company (Im thinkng of calling it Burkshire Halfwit ) bigger then Warren Buffets :cheesy:

I recomend anyone to give the free trial a go and the signal service and also to use this thread to post their results if they wish to and would also love to hear some views and opinions from anyone whos been reading or tried the signals themselves 😀


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while I have a bit of time...

just looked over the signals for friday and Costco (uptrend) looks interesting:


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