Hook Shot's Blog

Reality Check ?

Last week I waffled on about the big Anomaly given the divergence between the macro environment and the bounce which was in play. Well it seems this week we had a dose of reality wiht market trending down and eating all of last gains. It was a good week for the hook$ter - but should have been much better :cheesy:

As we currently stand the Cb's have decided come clean and are now moving slowly towards the views of Soros and Rogers..... Financial market turmoil to persist they say..... something they have known for several months and certainly well before the US equities hit their peak..

You may remember Greenspan with his 30% chance of recession comment last Feb and after delayed reaction equities had a mini crash. He was taking the P*** he knew what was coming.... after all he created it.

Well here we are in February.....and now recession is virtually nailed on say the smarties but the Cb's say serious slowdown but not outright recession 😆

Rant over........markets

US - Dow too close to 12100(to short) for my liking again I would like to see a bounce into last weeks range for the next swing move lower.... not sure what will give us that move - poss bond insurer bail out ..... who knows but I'm structurally short and near term short. I am not happy with the near term short position and expect to be stopped out. But if it's not then great....

Oil - Looks like the lads want to defend $80 by cutting production so the rumours say anyway..... "defending" smacks of prices are (really) weaker than they appear. If that is right then this pop which began Thurs/Friday is at risk on a 1-2wk view. In addition, in the absence of geopolitics I can't see how $90+ oil makes sense ...if we are in the midst of a "serious downturn" which now threatens the global economy. Rgardless of my views -and markets often disregard them - oil remains a great trading market.

Gold - very interesting for the coming week as we attempt another move to record highs. Currently we're around $22 off the highs basis April contract - and are now in the 3rd drive of this leg up. New Highs would be wonderful place for me to build a short position - a little bird told me $900 plus on spot Gold might be a little frothy ... so new highs would give me ample comfort in case the little bird is correct.

I've just covered the markets that immediately jumped out at me as being tradeworthy but clearly there are loads of individual stocks which offer profit potential.

I would just add one more strategic(?) opportunity ... US Long Bonds are relatively high (yields low) by historic standards ..... I just wonder with all these rate cuts whether inflation gets out of hand in future and kills the rally in the Long Bond ?? Lazard's have said they view the secular slide in rates as coming to an end...and a new era of higher rates is on the way... Some may have notice the long bonds got whalloped late week as the auction experience less demand than expected... Does this mean something going forward ?? Time will tell.

Just read that the great US of A is in danger of being downgraded i.e less creditworthy. This will surely impact demand for their bonds and maybe late last week was the canary in the coal mine ???

But where does all that money fleeing US go to ? Gold/Precious/Solid Hi Yield stocks ? Should be interesting to see...
Standing back a bit......

We go into this new quarter with a number of interesting things in view... and I'm gonna use them as my guide in the coming weeks and months.

1 The US bond market is HIGH

2 The US dolar is LOW
- The Euro is high....

3 The Euro-Sterling rate is HIGH

4 Gold & Oil are high but off their peaks

5 Equities are LOW but off their worst levels...

Many financial stocks are LOW but of their worst levels ...

I could go on but .....
Anyway my point is there is a distinct possibility that one or more of these trends reverses meaningfully in the second quarter.....

I don't know what and when but ... I'm guessing that it is more than likely ...and so will be watching the next (and non-news) plus chart formations to get a better read.

Okay with that out of the way ... I have a funny feeling about the US bond market. I think I've mentioned this earlier this year but on top of the other reasons given earlier I hear that GE not the dumbest of players is issuing a fair amount of 30yr bonds. Some could read this as more than likely that 30yr rates are likely to rise in coming months and with that a fall in the long bond. There is also news that foreigners don't want to buy any more long bonds or 10yr notes at these low rates.

are we on the verge ot a significant turn in the bond markets ?

Secondly, if bond yields rise this should spark a bounce or a significant low in the dollar. Higher rates if they are anticipated should make for a "stronger" dollar... and by inference a weaker Euro-$ rate.

Moreover, a stronger dollar temporary or not should affect the commodities of OIl/Gold since many were using weak $ as one of the reasons for their rise 😆
In fact is this what the decline/pullback in Oil/Gold is telling us ? Are we on the verge of a $ bounce/recovery ?

I'm not smart enough to waffle my way through a theory as to why the Euro-Sterling rate "might" turn other than all trends come to an end and this one is going parabolic ... so it is probably unsustainable.

Lastly equities....... The bounce in the US equity markets is just over 2wks old (basis S&p500). We appear to have had 3 drives down into the low - which came in during March as some thought likely. The index also made a marginal low and has rallied violently by almost 10%. It is therefore tempting to speculate that we may have seen a significant low... perhaps too early to say that we have begun a new bull market.... but you nver know..... I heard one vocal commentator repeat his view that the Fed's and CB's coulld end this financial crisis in an instant if they chose to .... merely by buying up much of the troublesome assets.

Interesting the Fed is already half way down this road and the BoE is considering it as we speak. If that plays out then financial stocks should recover as they are able to raise new capital due to improved future prospects. Financials are a key sector of the broader indices and for that matter the wider economy. Consequently, it could well be that solving the financial crisis - becomes the catalyst for a decent rise in equity markets.

If this theory plays out then .... it culd be worth keeping an eye on the financial sector particularly in the US where Aig, American Express and Citigroup are still quite lowlly.

As for the equity story there might still be the odd story which jolts markets .... and it is likely more banks will go bust. Most likely they will be regional ones rather than the global titans. However, despite this they say markets climb a wall of worry and it is possibly that we make good progress in Q2. So far we have made a pretty good start !
Naturally anything could happen and often does in finance/politics ...... but these are some of the themes I'm currently looking at as potential profit opportunities.

Hs 🙂
Quick look at the coming week wb 28/4/08

I really should update the standing back a bit blog but no time at present will do later...

This Week I expect.........

(1) A Swing High in oil (not saying the top though)
- somewhere in $122-125 zone...

(2) An apex in US equities (& Japanese Nikkei)

(3) An apex in Wal-Mart .... still very strong!

(4) A bounce in Clorox (US Stock)

(5) A good week for UK utility stocks ... risky call!
-national grid and centrica look interesting.

Lets see what happens........