I work 6 days a week most weeks, so regardless of what day my off day lands, it's my weekend.
I'm largely an introvert and since I spend my working days being around people, I like to spend my down time alone. I find it very relaxing. It charges my batteries.
I like to develop myself both personally and professionally, so I do a lot of coffee drinking and thinking (& peeing) Personally I like to people watch... it helps my thought process. I know this sounds a little contradictory as I said I like to be alone. Alone in a crowd is ok... mostly 🙂
Thankfully, I love a challenge. This means that trying to understand the market is actually an exciting hobby for me as well as doubling up as potential professional prospects. I normally just read articles and seek answers here but lately I've been listening to audio books on trading/Investing.
I love learning new things in general. The list of things I have no interest in is surely much shorter than the list of things I do. Especially if it's something that makes me better.
Did you know... a breastfeeding mother's body can detect certain issues with the baby - presumably as a result of back wash back into the nipple - and it develops antibodies which then get passed to the baby through the altered breast milk.
Or... that a man's testosterone levels decline when he gets into a long term relationship, and when he had kids...
Conversely, if he becomes single again, even in later life, his levels rise again...
Do with that as you will 🙂
Ps: Beyond that, I like to play darts, go hunting and fishing 🙂