must admit i can sometimes get lost in some of these daytime TV shows........screaming at TV for the team not to by the crappy silver tea pot for £40 under the hammer is also a killer if you start watching it .....
I've started joining in the leg kick at the end of the bargain hunt show, time it just right, gives you a great boost and sets you up for the 1 o'clock news 😄
Thinking of getting a drone and getting involved in drone flying. Apparently some people in Sussex are having great fun doing this. You can do it day or night and nobody bothers you.
- Nematodes, get 'em where they hang out, in the soil and around the roots
Apart from being an excellent scrabble word, wot's a "nematode" when it's in civvies? The online dictionary sez it's some evil intestine dweller and I'm concerned that the organic garden is beginning to sound like a rather nasty, dangerous place. I was hoping one day to plant a small kitchen garden with sundry herbs (not the smoking kind) and the odd veg or two......
I think there are many types of nematodes, indeed some could be evil intestine dwellers, you can buy some targeted at different things, the one's I use will infest common slugs and kill them from within, they won't affect Spanish slugs though.
I get mine from here:
I shall go to bed the wiser! They sound an altogether sinister bunch - have just been reading about the ones that infest animals and humans. Am curious that that La babosa is do you deal with those?
I saw on the news that the Asian hornet is coming ever closer. A sting from one of those little monsters apparently can be fatal.
I forgot to say that the Asian hornet had already made it to Cantaland (Languedoc) a few years ago.I saw on the news that the Asian hornet is coming ever closer. A sting from one of those little monsters apparently can be fatal.
Just been on to slug watch, horror of horrors, a Spanish slug can vary in colour from orangey to chocolate brown, so any of the slugs in my garden could be Spanish! Haven't seen one as orange as yours though, what as brute 🙂
Slug pellets are very efficient at getting rid of slugs but we need to protect the birds.
I find that drilling a small hole in a plastic pill bottle and putting a few pellets into the bottle does the trick and stops the birds dyeing.