hit again by the bug...


i think been got it again, the bug, i didn't ste up any stop loss and have been triggered on safeways, logica, can you please try to put them back on my portofolio....
me too hit again by the 'bug'! Sharky, hope you have my emails re: TWT.
As with COL, it was the victim of limit order being taken at wrong price: I need it either completely cancelled as a purchase, or sell them at the intended 2.5 for me please ta very much
... I'm going to steer clear of those limit orders in future!! Pity
I've just enter this competition not too long ago.
In 2 short days, I've been hit with curious sell and buy to cover orders. I did not set any limit orders for my positions but got triggered within half an hour of my trade!! Any idea what's going on? It's happened to all the trades I've made.
Hmm.. very strange. I'll take a look tomorrow sher24, and hopefully get to the bottom of it. Please note I haven't as yet fixed the bug which occurs when you buy/short a share at the same time and then cover or sell it. So for the time being best to refrain from doing this.
