Historical data for FTSE 100 Futures prices


Hi, Can anyone tell me where I could get Historical (last week) prices / charts for the FTSE 100 FUTURES prices.

first link - cant find any futures
second - doesnt work at all..
I have some understanding of financial markets. The particular future prices (such as Mar-08) would be useful to compare with price provided by my SB company.

And I was looking for tick by tick prices not EOD (which are widely available). I didnt expect it for free though - this is not my thread.

Sorry if my posting was misleading.

Hi, Can anyone tell me where I could get Historical (last week) prices / charts for the FTSE 100 FUTURES prices.

Hi, Did you ever get a response from anyone to your question regarding FTSE futures historical price data? I am also try to do some analysis on Open, High, Low & Close of FTSE and S&P's over the past 3 years. If you had any luck or indeed have now managed to source this info would you be kind enough to let me know where I can get it please?
Many thanks
Daily, minute by minute data

Did anyone ever reply to your question about historical FTSE data. I am also after minute by minute data on a day by day basis rather than EOD.

Thanks for that. I eventually also found these chaps if anyone else is interested. The data is limited to prior to 12/2004 for the FTSE100 Index data.

FOREX Historical Data, Major Indices and Futures Historical Intraday and Daily Market Data - Through Download and on DVDs/CDs.

They also have free samples but in .omz format. However, they were quite helpfull when I asked for the data in another format i.e. .txt. Just e-mail them with your questions.
i don't know if i can post ext web site, but may be in futuresource dot com you can find your data