High/Low Pivot Point Equation?

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High/Low Pivot Point Equation???

Following is the High/Low Pivot Point which were calculated by proprietary equation. Who can reverse the equation??

Pivot Point update for January 19, 2004.

Symbol Close Change High Pivot Low Pivot
PMCS 23.80 +1.97 24.69 23.05
BRCM 41.97 +0.04 42.38 40.68
GE 33.35 +1.35 33.58 32.13
MER 60.57 +0.98 60.93 59.48

Pivot Point update for January 16, 2004.

Symbol Close Change High Pivot Low Pivot
QLGC 47.68 -0.90 48.33 45.89
AMGN 63.15 -0.90 64.65 62.89
ONE 50.42 +5.20 52.48 50.03
TXN 33.65 +1.17 34.07 32.35

Pivot Point update for January 14, 2004.

Symbol Close Change High Pivot Low Pivot
EBAY 65.59 +1.49 66.05 63.63
QCOM 59.44 -0.65 60.88 58.63
IBM 89.01 -1.85 91.67 88.81
NEM 46.55 -0.95 47.99 45.95

Pivot Point update for January 12, 2004.

Symbol Close Change High Pivot Low Pivot
RHAT 20.39 +1.30 21.30 19.10
HAL 28.00 +1.02 28.48 26.63
JPM 38.76 +0.09 39.28 38.13
DVN 59.30 +0.94 59.63 58.01

Pivot Point update for January 9, 2004.

Symbol Close Change High Pivot Low Pivot
ERICY 21.11 +2.71 21.49 20.15
AMGN 63.38 +0.83 63.65 62.21
JNPR 21.30 +1.11 21.53 20.23
PMCS 21.20 +0.81 21.55 20.45

Pivot Point update for January 8, 2004.

Symbol Close Change High Pivot Low Pivot
QCOM 55.76 +1.53 56.41 53.75
AMGN 63.38 +0.83 63.65 62.21
XMSR 27.10 -1.87 30.07 26.93
CMCSK 32.79 +0.79 33.09 31.61
Based on the info provided, not me 😱

Might be possible given O/H/L/C data but it doesnt look much like a pivot calc to me unless its showing something like R1/S3 points. It isnt showing a pair such R1/S1 as the range of the pivots is unbalanced. No idea, sorry.
Oooh I love a puzzle! I've started trying to work this out but have run out of time for now. So far looking at the first two on the list I get :

PMCS, first pivot = Previous Days Low + 1.53
PMCS, second pivot = Previous Days Hi - 1.53

BRCM, first pivot = Previous Days Low + 1.58
BRCM, second pivot = Previous Days Hi - 1.58

Um, no idea where the 1.53 and the 1.58 come from though, but maybe it's a start and might help? Or I might be on the wrong track completely and it might hinder!

Presumably you are reverse engineering a tips service, are their results good?

Pivot Points

FWIW I've attached an Excel Pivot Point calculator.

Although I've set it up to run on DAX, DJIA, FTSE and NASDAQ (one per sheet - they're all the same construct) I'm only supplying it for any use the formulae might be to you in calculating pivot points.

It's got bog-standard PP and an also an approximation to the Camarilla.

Have a play around if you like with the data. You just need to enter the OHLC data at the top left.

Ignore all the IG spread bit - that was when I used to use IG Index before I found out it was quicker flushing my money down the loo...


According the author of this high/low pivot point, if prices touch the High Pivot, consider buying the stock just above the High Pivot. If prices touch the Low Pivot, consider selling the stock short just below the Low Pivot. This strategy is designed for day trading. Also, if prices gap open beyond a pivot price, it is generally best to avoid the trade on the opening print.

A couple of great tools to focus on before entering these positions are the use of the the NASDAQ and/or S&P 500 futures. It is best to have them trading in the same direction of the position you're contemplating. In other words, if you're considering a short position (a break below the Low Pivot), the futures should also be down or pointing that direction on a three minute price chart.