Hi all, newbie here


Hi everyone, has anyone had any dealings with a company called Anoli Capital International Inc? A friend of mine has shares in a company called Immune Tree through them, she has had to pay a lot of money to de-regulate the shares and they seem to be stalling making payment. I am worried this is a boiler room scam but have googled them and cant seem to find much out. Any help would be appreciated.
Anoli Capital International Inc?

Do not get involved, they are a boiler room. Get your friend to call City of London Police, Operation Archway team.
de regulate shares

Hi everyone, has anyone had any dealings with a company called Anoli Capital International Inc? A friend of mine has shares in a company called Immune Tree through them, she has had to pay a lot of money to de-regulate the shares and they seem to be stalling making payment. I am worried this is a boiler room scam but have googled them and cant seem to find much out. Any help would be appreciated.

You can check on the FSA website for the latest known Boiler Rooms. Look for the shares on Pink Sheets.com. Do not part with any more money to sell them - they will probably go bust or some other excuse and pass you on to some other Boiler Room who will also want money to help you!!!!!