Hey Brits, leave Blaine alone

BB - aahhh, our posts crossed! I assume that link is similar to what I have outlined.
He has done some remarkable shows of endurance, he seems to have an extremely high threshold to pain, self-deprivation and boredom. I find him ever so slightly strange and disturbing to watch and listen to and some of his stunts have seemed dangerous and border on the foolish
While I acknowledge Blaine's stage skill give a thought to the people who have a terminal or chronic illness who have been forced to endure suffering daily at the hands of sever pain both physically and mentally as a result of there condition or circumstances.

I have been diagnosed with Crohn's disease and the last time i was in hospital was for 28 days 22 of those without food. Most days were spent in severe pain and my parents were asked if they wanted the last rights performed on me.
I will, as many others with similar circumstance, have to ENDURE pain suffering and deprivation throughout the course of our lives

There are people far worse off, people like Blaine mock the daily suffering of thousands with serious medical conditions or who simply dont have any means to feed themselves due to drought famine etc.

If Blaine gave his $5million to charity to raise awareness of such local and world atrocities he would certainly be the hero people think he is and not the STAGE PERFORMER he actually is!