Here’s The #1 Mistake Most New Traders Make…......


Is this you?

Always wanted to trade the Forex but don't know how to start?
Trading but getting hopelessly confused and not sure what to do next?
Frustrated because the market seems to go against me all the time?
Always seem to enter trades too early and exit too late?
Not sure which indicators I should be focusing on?

If you can answer YES to any of those questions, you’re not alone.

Statistics show that the majority of new traders to the Forex rely on technical indicators and black box systems to guide their trades. That said it’s only natural for new traders to assume that these systems are the ones you must use if you want to conquer trading the Forex. And you would be partially right. These methods are fine if you are the type of person that likes to work with cluttered (not to mention confusing) charts– and if you are perfectly happy being so far-sighted that you trip over things right in front of your face. I don’t know about you, but I like to see where I’m going. The problem with technical indicators and black box systems is that they don’t allow you to adapt to sudden changes in the market. And let me tell you, the Forex market changes daily. Heck, it’s known to change hourly, depending on what’s happening in the world.

To successfully trade the Forex, you have to be able to change with it. Cluttering your charts with indicators and other complicated systems might help you forecast the market – as it exists right now – but what if something changes? The truth of the matter is technical indicators will not reflect those changes quickly enough. They lag behind. When they don’t reflect those changes right away, you lose. If indicators are the only tools you have to trade the Forex, when the market dynamic changes, you will not have the tools you need to successfully change with it and allow your trades to reflect those changes.
And let me tell you, the Forex market changes daily. Heck, it’s known to change hourly, depending on what’s happening in the world.

If indicators are the only tools you have to trade the Forex, when the market dynamic changes, you will not have the tools you need to successfully change with it and allow your trades to reflect those changes.


Wow, no 5hit Sherlock! The market can turn on a tic/pip :whistling. Have to totally disagree with point two highlighted in blue btw, new traders using TA alone will be able to see changes in direction extremely well on any chart, they mightn't be in at the 'B of the bang', but if they're spreading their risk and trades across a range of pairs the probability may work in their favour...

Don't you chumps ever get tired of flogging your versions of herbal life/tupperware for trading?😕
To successfully trade the Forex, you have to be able to change with it. Cluttering your charts with indicators and other complicated systems might help you forecast the market – as it exists right now – but what if something changes? The truth of the matter is technical indicators will not reflect those changes quickly enough. They lag behind. When they don’t reflect those changes right away, you lose. If indicators are the only tools you have to trade the Forex, when the market dynamic changes, you will not have the tools you need to successfully change with it and allow your trades to reflect those changes. [/FONT]

Some of the other vendors on this sight may not be very happy with you right now.
Is this you?

Always wanted to trade the Forex but don't know how to start?
Trading but getting hopelessly confused and not sure what to do next?
Frustrated because the market seems to go against me all the time?
Always seem to enter trades too early and exit too late?
Not sure which indicators I should be focusing on?

If you can answer YES to any of those questions, you’re not alone.

Statistics show that the majority of new traders to the Forex rely on technical indicators and black box systems to guide their trades. That said it’s only natural for new traders to assume that these systems are the ones you must use if you want to conquer trading the Forex. And you would be partially right. These methods are fine if you are the type of person that likes to work with cluttered (not to mention confusing) charts– and if you are perfectly happy being so far-sighted that you trip over things right in front of your face. I don’t know about you, but I like to see where I’m going. The problem with technical indicators and black box systems is that they don’t allow you to adapt to sudden changes in the market. And let me tell you, the Forex market changes daily. Heck, it’s known to change hourly, depending on what’s happening in the world.

To successfully trade the Forex, you have to be able to change with it. Cluttering your charts with indicators and other complicated systems might help you forecast the market – as it exists right now – but what if something changes? The truth of the matter is technical indicators will not reflect those changes quickly enough. They lag behind. When they don’t reflect those changes right away, you lose. If indicators are the only tools you have to trade the Forex, when the market dynamic changes, you will not have the tools you need to successfully change with it and allow your trades to reflect those changes.

First, all markets change every day, every hour, every second, not only Forex. If they are not changing they are not markets! 😏

Second, a lot of people just confuse between technical indicators and technical analysis. Indicators are just indicators, they are used in both fundamental & technical camps. Fundamental analysts use fundamental indicators and other news to determine the fair value of the subject. Technical analysts use technical indicators and/or other tools such as patterns, price actions to see where the price is likely to go.

The indicators are ALWAYS lagging, be that fundamental or technical. The analysis based on them IS NOT lagging! That applies to BOTH fundamental and technical. Only people don't know how to use them effectively would blame them being lagged. They are always lagged!!!​
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