Help with Base Rate SWAP Trade

Oh really? I've found it really accurate for finding mids, although had a few issues with the delta accuracy. What issues have you had? Would be interested to hear opinions on the platform.
Well, to be fair, it wasn't anything profound, like mispricing vanilla swaps or ATM straddles or anything like that. I had issues with them pricing some really far OTM stuff (like 10y 10% caps in EUR, for example). They acknowledged it and said that they had mkt data issues that they were working on. That was in late 2009, so they may have fixed everything now, but I haven't played with it recently. I think it's a good platform, don't get me wrong.
We lost touch since Jan this year regarding the base rate swap trade. I could still really use your help with that as you clearly have a far better undertanding of what i need to put in place than I do. It looks like since your message of the 11th jan expectaitons for a rate rise have got somewhat difficult to predict, with a slow economy but higher inflation. I think most pundits, inclduing me, still think a rate rise is iminent, but perhaps delayed. I dont suppose this changes the original idea behind the trade, and that is to receive some income in order to help offset the monthly cost of the swap, which is considerable.
Im available over the telephone if that would assist to put something in place. Ive been an active options trader for 14 years so have expericnce of that market, but the interest rate market is new to me, so I definatley need guidance to understand this trade and set it up. I use Interactive Brokers TWS platform, which I think can offer various interest rate instruments to trade, just not sure exatlty what it is I should be trading and how?
Many thanks