Help Tws/ib



I'm new to TWS (Interactive brokers) and I don't like their charts.

What do you think about amibroker, does it work well with IB?

Is ibcharts beta 3.3 built into TWS or is it a separate add-on software?

What about TWS booktrader, does it work well?

Any suggestions?

Thank you
You can alter the settings, what is it specifically that you don't like about their charts ?

Also I see that the site you quote is in no way connected to IB, so it isn't built into TWS


Staples said:

I'm new to TWS (Interactive brokers) and I don't like their charts.

What do you think about amibroker, does it work well with IB?

Is ibcharts beta 3.3 built into TWS or is it a separate add-on software?

What about TWS booktrader, does it work well?

Any suggestions?

Thank you
I've been using prorealtime in the past, charts are great but the software is too expensive. Is sierra's trading interface better then IB's booktrader? What's the difference between level 3 and 4?
Ib's chart 😱


  • IB chart.PNG
    IB chart.PNG
    27.4 KB · Views: 638
IB's candlesticks don't show any high low nor open and close price, do sierra's charts offer this?
Re: your PM

IB candles don't show OHLC? They do on the chart you posted. 😕

Anyway here's an example of Sierra Charts for ya.


  • untitled.JPG
    445.9 KB · Views: 886
frugi said:
Sierra's trading platform only works with PATS, not IB.

If you don't like book trader then try one of these third party execution platforms:

I think they all do free trials / demos. I use Bracket Trader.

Level 3 or 4 in respect of what? Some context would be useful. 🙂

Wider candles? I don't think so, sorry.

FRUGI - I looked at this link for Sierra and I thought it said it uses IB data?

Just to clear any confusion - The Sierra charts work with IB but their trading platform does not.

If it's any help I think IBs charts are awful too and because I love my 20inch Apple display and Mac I get my charts from prorealtime (which are very pretty but not the cheapest) and trade off a Dell PC and seperate internet feed.

You could also try out Jerry Medveds Quotetracker which is free and very extensive...

frugi said:
Sierra's trading platform only works with PATS, not IB.

If you don't like book trader then try one of these third party execution platforms:

I think they all do free trials / demos. I use Bracket Trader.

Level 3 or 4 in respect of what? Some context would be useful. 🙂

Wider candles? I don't think so, sorry.

Level 3 ($17 USD/month): This level will provide you access to all features of the software except the trading interface. Supported services: Interactive Brokers, DTN-IQ Feed, MyTrack, and all non-integrated services. For example, if you with to use Interactive Brokers and do not require the Sierra Chart trading interface, then you would need this level.

Level 4 ($24 USD/month): This level will provide you with all features of the software including the trading interface. Supported services: All Services. For example, if you wish to use the TransAct or PAT Systems services, then you would require this level.

You are right frugi, there is no trading interface with IB. How much do you pay for Bracket Trader?
Staples said:
Level 3 ($17 USD/month): This level will provide you access to all features of the software except the trading interface. Supported services: Interactive Brokers, DTN-IQ Feed, MyTrack, and all non-integrated services. For example, if you with to use Interactive Brokers and do not require the Sierra Chart trading interface, then you would need this level.

Level 4 ($24 USD/month): This level will provide you with all features of the software including the trading interface. Supported services: All Services. For example, if you wish to use the TransAct or PAT Systems services, then you would require this level.

You are right frugi, there is no trading interface with IB. How much do you pay for Bracket Trader?

Try this. Is excellent and FREE!
Pros and cons of Interactive Brokers

Staples said:

I'm new to TWS (Interactive brokers) and I don't like their charts.

What do you think about amibroker, does it work well with IB?

Is ibcharts beta 3.3 built into TWS or is it a separate add-on software?

What about TWS booktrader, does it work well?

Any suggestions?

Thank you

Yes it does work with Interactive Brokers

Here’s the link with the downloads and how to set it up

IB Charts is not produced by Interactive Brokers, but a 3rd party company called IB Charts. Interactive Brokers themselves produce an application interface (API) via Tradestation, that allows other software to communicate with Interactive Brokers in both directions to download data or to upload orders. There are several companies that use this facility, including IB Charts and Amibroker. Some members of this site, who like to dabble with programming, have created their own applications that interact with Interactive Brokers.

See this video for details of what an API is

For video presentations of Book Trader, APIs and Interactive Charts look at

If you live in the London area you can contact them to go to live seminars also, then you can ask all the questions you like and get fed as well !!

Staples said:
Is there a way to get the candlesticks wider on IB's chart without any zooming?

IB's candlesticks don't show any high low nor open and close price, do sierra's charts offer this?

Not that I am aware of . The charting on Interactive Brokers is still pretty basic and you would probably be better off using Amibroker.

Staples said:

Interesting. Have a look at this amibroker chart .I love that kind of chart, very clear and efficient, but it cost 229$

Yes – but it’s a one-off cost. For you indicator gurus out there their function library and ability to create your own fairly easily is good. Irrelevant of course on the dark side !

So in summary Interactive Brokers is ok for its spreads, range of instruments traded using a single platform, range of order types especially conditional ones and its interface with external software. It is good at education, both its site and its live seminars, but it is poor at charting and some say (but not in my experience) poor at customer support. So look outside at the suggestions given for charting or order placement (e.g. or if you are a whizzkid build your own.

I also think that it is poor in the area of forex and you would do better looking at a specifically forex broker for that.


rols said:

If it's any help I think IBs charts are awful too and because I love my 20inch Apple display and Mac I get my charts from prorealtime (which are very pretty but not the cheapest) and trade off a Dell PC and seperate internet feed.

You could also try out Jerry Medveds Quotetracker which is free and very extensive...


Thanks Rols
Charlton said:

Yes it does work with Interactive Brokers

Here’s the link with the downloads and how to set it up

IB Charts is not produced by Interactive Brokers, but a 3rd party company called IB Charts. Interactive Brokers themselves produce an application interface (API) via Tradestation, that allows other software to communicate with Interactive Brokers in both directions to download data or to upload orders. There are several companies that use this facility, including IB Charts and Amibroker. Some members of this site, who like to dabble with programming, have created their own applications that interact with Interactive Brokers.

See this video for details of what an API is

For video presentations of Book Trader, APIs and Interactive Charts look at

If you live in the London area you can contact them to go to live seminars also, then you can ask all the questions you like and get fed as well !!


Not that I am aware of . The charting on Interactive Brokers is still pretty basic and you would probably be better off using Amibroker.


Yes – but it’s a one-off cost. For you indicator gurus out there their function library and ability to create your own fairly easily is good. Irrelevant of course on the dark side !

So in summary Interactive Brokers is ok for its spreads, range of instruments traded using a single platform, range of order types especially conditional ones and its interface with external software. It is good at education, both its site and its live seminars, but it is poor at charting and some say (but not in my experience) poor at customer support. So look outside at the suggestions given for charting or order placement (e.g. or if you are a whizzkid build your own.

I also think that it is poor in the area of forex and you would do better looking at a specifically forex broker for that.


Thanks for your clarification. If it comes to choose the BEST PRODUCTS is amibroker superior to sierra charts or pro realtime? Is Button Trader superior to TWS book trader or bracket trader or zeroline trader or ninja trader? Trading simulation and quotetracker are free products, does this make them inferior to the other products? What are the best products that the market can offer today to a professional trader that wants to get the best out of Interactive brokers? Any help is very appreciated .
I've spent a lot of time using and evaluating these products. Sierra is pretty good and cheap. Ensign is better but more expensive. Zeroline trader is more flexible than bracket trader, but I still use bracket because that's what I'm used to.

I use IB+Ensign+Bracket for manual trading and the IB API for automated trading.

QuoteTracker charts are excellent and the support (even if using the free-ware) is first class too. Haven't used Sierra and no doubt it does something QT doesn't, but there can't be a lot left!

I've recently moved from Bracket to Button trader, and starting paying subs after trying their sim free. It also has very good support and copes better (perfectly?) with very fast moving markets. It is a much more versatile program, seems a little daunting at first sight but in fact is childishly easy (easy = fewer mistakes and quicker reactions) to operate after a short time and provides excellent feel for how your orders/trades are going.

I think that with all these tws front ends it is important to learn a quick way of entering orders using the basic tws, just in case. Not to mention having their phone number close to hand or pre-programmed into your phone.
TWS Charting

I use two brokers. ThinkOrSwim & IB. IB is great for cheap quick lot trading but I use ThinkOrSwim 80% of the time. Their charts, featurers & education leave IB in the dust.

For IB I'm considering using NinjaTrader.... you may want to check them out for their charting software & platform for IB.


I'm new to TWS (Interactive brokers) and I don't like their charts.

What do you think about amibroker, does it work well with IB?

Is ibcharts beta 3.3 IBCharts - Download built into TWS or is it a separate add-on software?

What about TWS booktrader, does it work well?

Any suggestions?

Thank you