pb I seem to recall you mentioned that the Eurostoxx and was it the S+P is spread free, Am i right? If so, what is cost to open and close a trade? Tia.
Commission of a couple of euros per contract.
pb I seem to recall you mentioned that the Eurostoxx and was it the S+P is spread free, Am i right? If so, what is cost to open and close a trade? Tia.
Slippage has nothing to do with the number of contracts traded.
b) extending stop losses beyond the 10 points(one trade was as high as 14 points, but of course, the gain limits were never increased by 0.1 of a point)
What causes it?
Nothing 'causes' it per se. Slippage is a function of market liquidity which is something spread betting newbie’s don't understand. By saying that it is related to trade size would give newbie’s the false impression that if they trade 1 contract with DMA they will never experience slippage. This is a fallacy. When trading futures you are more likely to experience slippage outside of cash market hours than when trading during cash market hours. Orders during high impact NEWS releases are also likely to experience slippage. The common denominator is market liquidity.
Nothing 'causes' it per se. Slippage is a function of market liquidity which is something spread betting newbie’s don't understand. By saying that it is related to trade size would give newbie’s the false impression that if they trade 1 contract with DMA they will never experience slippage. This is a fallacy. When trading futures you are more likely to experience slippage outside of cash market hours than when trading during cash market hours. Orders during high impact NEWS releases are also likely to experience slippage. The common denominator is market liquidity.
Reliable futures platforms with a trading ladder can be had for $50 a month and above. Global futures and Velocity futures are two brokers that spring to mind. I've been trading futures for about 3 years or so and I've never seen a platform freeze, regardless of volatility, even on the most basic of platforms.
A friend of mine recently signed up with velocity futures, he traded from his flat in London, he had huge problems with their platform, he wasn't getting filled and it kept freezing on him. Maybe they have sorted it out now. He was based. In london. I trade through Marex and have never had trouble but I know spreadbetting platforms are awful when volatility is high, and many times you can't execute electronically as they have their " phone only" message appear.
If you trade one contract on the ES you won't experience slippage. That's what I'm trying to say. Ive never stayed up to 3am to prove it though. I can tell you that for the size I trade on the instruments I trade there is none.
Hi ladies and gentleman from a new forum user looking for a little help.
In the past I have traded recklessly, without a plan or proper strategy, and, inevitably, lost what I had put in. So I took a gap from executing trades, and after spending lots of time on backtesting and forward testing ideas, I have recently started to implement 1 or 2 of these theories in the hope they will continue to be profitable. They are based on the specific opening hour price of the Dax 30 and the orders are to be executed at the opening price, when it gets hit in the direction of the trend, after going in one direction and then reversing(I'm sure there is a term for this but I call it reversal momentum for my benefit!) The deal is that after the price goes in one direction for a minimum number of points and then reverses back through the opening price, a new momentum is being built up and I 'catch' the trade on it's way back. This can, of course, happen more than once in an hour if a 'double reversal' occurs.
The good news is that the theories still hold true, and working on disciplined stop losses and gain limits(stops of 10 and limits of 15) based on predetermined order values, a tidy profit should still hold up. For example, on Friday I placed 15 orders(buy or sell) at different times of the day at specific prices. Had these been executed correctly(by IG Index, my Spread Betting Provider) then I would have won 8 and lost 7, giving me a pip gain of 50 points(8 x 15) - (7 x 10). This is after allowing for their 1 point 'house edge' on each trade.
However, due to the fact that IG Index decided to rip me off, instead of a 55 point gain I ended up with a loss! This was due to them:
a) opening some orders at up to 3 points out(if they opened at the exact price then I would have had up to a 3 point headstart on the trade).
b) extending stop losses beyond the 10 points(one trade was as high as 14 points, but of course, the gain limits were never increased by 0.1 of a point)
As a result, 2 of the trades should have been +15 but ended up as -10 and -11.5 respectively due to wrong opening prices and, on the one occasion, an increased stop loss(double frustration for me). On another couple of trades the losses were between 11.8 and 14, instead of the requested 10. All in all, my result of -8 points is 58 points less than it would have been(an average of nearly 4 points per trade, which technically pushes their spread from an advertised 1 point to nearly 5 points!)
The above example only relates to 1 day of trading and on other occasions they have 'increased their edge' to suit them, but not to this extent.
I am frustrated as I honestly feel that I have a good system here and for the first time, even after suffering the above, I have not been chasing losses, etc as I have put a lot of research in to my strategies(hundreds of hours) and have a rigid trading plan and money management strategy in place which allows me to trade properly and not gamble my money away.
Does anybody know of anything I can do which will allow me to test my system properly with a reputable company which does not consistently take the pi$$, or simply have any ideas to help me going forward??? I have tested many other permutations for the above, but the 15/10 strategy here gives me by far the best results from the testing done so far. Guaranteed stop losses would cost me too much due to my low exit requirements, and they would not improve the ability to execute the opening price properly by them anyway so I could be double paying for something that still does not hold up!
Sorry about the length of this letter, but any help from you more experienced guys and girls would go a long way to helping me decide if I am to continue trading or whether I should jack it in for good, to avoid total frustration and despair!!!!
I am happy to give them their 1 point spread edge but am reluctant to watch my profits go down the drain because of their greed
If you trade one contract on the ES you won't experience slippage..
pb I seem to recall you mentioned that the Eurostoxx and was it the S+P is spread free, Am i right? If so, what is cost to open and close a trade? Tia.
This video might explain what I am trying to say. I was watching my screen at the time and even one contract would have experienced massive slippage if entered at the wrong time.
wrong !
OK let me clarify. In approx 3 years trading the ES at no more than 10 contracts I have received zero slippage. You can argue all you want, that is my experience. As for spread there is one tick difference between bid and ask, no more.
OK let me clarify. In approx 3 years trading the ES at no more than 10 contracts I have received zero slippage. You can argue all you want, that is my experience. As for spread there is one tick difference between bid and ask, no more.