Great website, loads of useful advice any lots of information to absorb. I'm hoping that maybe some of the advice Ive seen can be pointed my way (please 😕 ).
A potted history of me.. I'm an accountant by trade so have a reasonable level of knowledge of markets, etc. Ive also got a portfolio of around £5k of UK shares. These were purchased around 2001, just before around the bear began (stop laughing at the back!).
I would like to begin activiely trading this portfolio, and hopefully make some money along the way. I'm cant trade intraday (as much as Id love to, Ive got a 'day-job') so most of the analysis I can perform will be EOD. Ive been reading up on various TA sites; has been a good source although it seems to be US focused. And, Ive been considering getting Shrescope EOD software.
I guess Im looking for any ideas that will get me started. I'm more than happy to post details of my holdings.. just wasnt sure if it was allowed (or if anyone cared!).
I'm gonna keep trawling the boards for relevant information, so apols if this has been covered elsewhere. In the meantime, any pointers would be gratefully received.
A potted history of me.. I'm an accountant by trade so have a reasonable level of knowledge of markets, etc. Ive also got a portfolio of around £5k of UK shares. These were purchased around 2001, just before around the bear began (stop laughing at the back!).
I would like to begin activiely trading this portfolio, and hopefully make some money along the way. I'm cant trade intraday (as much as Id love to, Ive got a 'day-job') so most of the analysis I can perform will be EOD. Ive been reading up on various TA sites; has been a good source although it seems to be US focused. And, Ive been considering getting Shrescope EOD software.
I guess Im looking for any ideas that will get me started. I'm more than happy to post details of my holdings.. just wasnt sure if it was allowed (or if anyone cared!).
I'm gonna keep trawling the boards for relevant information, so apols if this has been covered elsewhere. In the meantime, any pointers would be gratefully received.