I don't do mass seminars, max 10 people......
reason is I want to make 100% sure that every single person understands what I am talking about, and understand what they have to do. I know I can get the message through if there are only a handful or so people there. I have tried seminars at City but I know that many walk away with unanswered questions...
The price is peanuts compared to what you will make with an understandingf of structure and geometry. I would LOVE to charge Vince prices, but I am not sure anyone would attend. I am simply not as glamorous 🙄 how much does he charge these days?
I dont know about John Bartlets seminars, but I know John, sound bloke with good values...For him and for me, well that is almost the most important thing for me, is that when you walk away from the seminar, you feel like on cloud 9 ( or is it 7, I always get these English sayings wrong ) and you know what to do in your preparation for the trading day and you know that you know that you will make money....If I have too many in the room, I will lose that control.....
Well, anyway, i will not advertise, but i think this has turned into one anyway, so I will issue a warning. This is not a Holy Grail, it is not a get-rich-easy, it is the end of the end. If you dont like to work hard and have big goals, stay well clear. If you are not prepared to spent hours of understanding and knowing you understand, then this is not for you...simple as that....
oh, and another thing....it is not trend following, it is not swing trading....it is day--trading, making money day after day
nuff said, I think.....