Help! Algorithmic System / Hedge Fund Start Up

Look for Indian brokerage firms that have UK presence in the city and find one that you can connect to from your box...I am assuming you will use a FIX connection.

It has been years since I looked at Indian markets, but even then I could find firms in UK to work with me.

As far as costs, your major costs will be data feeds and co-lo. What about the issues of latency, since this is a Algorithmic system ??
I dont think that there is much value in setting up a hedge fund in the UK that basis trades indian markets. Firstly, setting up a fund is a big deal with FSA requirements and secondly Basis trading requires high speeds which your not always going to get if your in another continent.

There are other methods you can employ to do this and a lot of people already do this.
Algorithmic Trading Solutions

Hi James,

I work for Orc and may be able to help,


Hello Guys,

I would like to try and start a hedge fund.

I have a friend who is running a successful algo on Indian Equities (currently is in India) using (cash and futures) and wants to set up in London as DMA to Indian is now open. We are looking for a way to set up cheaply in UK.

Does anybody have any advice how we can do this? We need a fast computer/interenet, broker with Indian DMA. Can somebody suggest how we can set up in UK? I was thinking of using Schneider trading to use their desk space etc (this is very expensive way). However can we set up ourselves in an officer elsewhere and do this cheaper?

How do we set up this hedge fund business idea?


As per SEBI's Direct market access policy ...

Hello Guys,

I would like to try and start a hedge fund.

I have a friend who is running a successful algo on Indian Equities (currently is in India) using (cash and futures) and wants to set up in London as DMA to Indian is now open. We are looking for a way to set up cheaply in UK.

Does anybody have any advice how we can do this? We need a fast computer/interenet, broker with Indian DMA. Can somebody suggest how we can set up in UK? I was thinking of using Schneider trading to use their desk space etc (this is very expensive way). However can we set up ourselves in an officer elsewhere and do this cheaper?

How do we set up this hedge fund business idea?



As per SEBI's Direct market access policy (, only institutional clients could avail direct orders with the exchanges. Also algorithmic trading has to go through a lot of bureaucratic procedures I believe.