Helenqu's Blog

Is it one of your rules that when you have the kids home or relatives staying that you don't trade?

Probably a good rule to have.

Or are you going to try and sneak in some trading if there is an opportunity?

If the market had gone against you in the next 30 seconds by 10 points, how would you then have felt about this trade ? In my view if you set rules you have to abide by them even if, as in this case, you would have been profitable.

Hi Paul,

Yes but I really didn't follow my rule. I'm trying to hold on to trades for six minutes and I was my usual "premature execution" self 🙂

I'm getting better but it's slow and it annoys me.
Hi Dom,

My rule is I don't trade unless I can concentrate properly. That basically means no trading with kids at home. The exception to that might be if they were watching a film and I could be pretty sure they would be quiet for an extended period. But even they they fight/cry/want food etc at regular intervals 🙂
A flat week 🙂

Well back to trading after my absence and a flat week, which is dissapointing considering I now have a bit more time to devote to it. Still working on the PhD a bit but I cna spend most time between 9 and 3 now in front of the screen, unfortunately not the best of trading times 🙂

7 trades made.

+7, +5, -4, -2, -3, -5 and +2.

Although the bottom line is flat I'm really pleased with one aspect of my trading that I knew needed work. Namely the ability to hold onto trades for longer without getting too anxious.

My average trade duration now is 11.8 mins. With my longest trades both being over 25 mins duration. Average win was 4.6, average loss 3.5.

Main problem this week was three trades that for some reason I took outside my system. I suspect boredom was a cause. It has been a poor week for the system, with only 9 trades being triggered and most of them for very low point values. Resolution next week - take only system trades and find a way of alleviating the boredom, guitar practice I think 🙂
PhD Pause

Well I finally gave a revised PhD in on Tuesday which has given me more time in the week to trade at last. I get feedback on the PhD on the 17th July so a nice rest for me pre school hols.

Not much trading this week.

3 futures trades. +1, -2 and -6.

Trying Welles Wilders Reaction Trend System out and have closed three trades this week, two open over the weekend.

+12.75, +37 and -11.