a) client hands money to broker
b) broker uses client money, goes into market (INSERT MM HERE) and purchases instruments/creates clients position
c) client gains/loses on the trade
d) client closes position
e) broker makes on the spread, but isn't affected by gains/losses on position, because it's not their money.
A broker handles your order, a MM sells you the stock (or buys it from you). That's the difference. You can't go directly to a MM (although maybe you can now with ECN)?
Of course a MM will try to get their money back by hedging or trading on the back of client orders. if i'm a MM and i sell you a stock and it goes up, I'm going to be wanting to trade on the back of that order. Likewise, if you're wanting to sell a stock i'm obligated to buy it off of you but if the stock then tanks, i'm going to want to hedge my position until the price comes back.