Hedge Funds and ETF's

Choosing hedge funds has the odds like betting on a horse race.

Investors may be better off using proven traders , on this form trade on their accounts , with the money guaranteed by the S F A.

Investing in a fund where redemptions can blocked is investing in a illiquid market.Investors are not guaranteed safety of funds with hedge funds.

The hedge funds do in big way ,what small traders do in a small way.
i'm sorry you've completely lost me here. what is your point? what accounts are guaranteed by the FSA?
i'm sorry you've completely lost me here. what is your point? what accounts are guaranteed by the FSA?

The brokers in the U K where clients deposit their money i.e Interactive brokers ,O D L etc.

The traders would trade the investor's accounts and get a cut of profits.These are private agreements.
it's guaranteed as in if they go bust, not if they lose money trading with your dough. i'd much rather hand my money to a HF manager with a good track record (there are many out there with very good performance figures) than some chump at ODL.
I would not put 1 cent in another tax on my earnings.Pensions is another tax for the benefit of the financial industry.Hedge funds are nothing more .

The only hedge funds looking for money are the ones who can't make money.The ones making money are closed to insiders.

ok, you seem to know better than everyone else on this matter. i know for a fact my returns on my money in a HF are beating the money i can possibly get in more conventional savings plans. i'm happy to live with the illiquidity and risk for the sake or diversification. if i want consistent yet underwhelming returns i'll jam a bond in the porfolio.