Hedge fund umbrella companies


Established member
Hi all

Could anyone here recommend a hedge fund umbrella company ? Or ones to avoid ?

We have spoken to one, but don't have much to compare their offering with. Set up is £25k, fees 10% of gross for all services other than tax advice, plus offshore costs deducted from NAV.

If reluctant to name names then a PM would be appreciated

You question may be confusing to readers.

Where you looking for a company that can then put your money into a number of hedge funds OR

A conpany that could take on the management of a hedge fund?
a hedge fund umbrella firm (aka hedge hotel) is a firm that hosts small-intermediate sized & start up hedge funds - it caters for clearing but also (most importantly) all the regulatory FSA legal stuff that is the biggest expense and the most difficult hurdle for a small investment business to effectively tackle.

They usually charge a five figure setup fee and a percentage of profits, or a similar arrangement.

Refco Overseas used to provide these services, presumably this has continued under Marathon.
Have a word with ADM Investor Services or Marex. They will provide a great deal if you put the business through them. You will have to negotiate it but should find a happy solution as they all want your business.
Abritrageur, twalker thanks, I'll speak to these companies, I couldnt find any sort of listing for them.

Tufty, I think that Arb has answered your question. The current deal on offer is £25k and 10% of gross revenue. The % seems a little high, and presumably should be capped !

Thanks Calypso. PCE are the company that I was referring to in my first post, very professional and easily top of the list, so far !


Calypso said:
Speak to PCE investors, part of Schneider. The main man is Patric de Gentile-Williams.
rog1111 said:
Thanks Calypso. PCE are the company that I was referring to in my first post, very professional and easily top of the list, so far !


Rog PM me if you are intersted. I might know a solution
Kyte has just set up an opperation, Dr Rami Habib is the guy you need to speak to. They also provide seed capital as well (which is nice).
If you need his business card shoot me a PM , i have it somewhere .

Theres also another one in the city; the name escapes me now.