Hedge Fund Managment - career advice please

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Hi guys

I am interested in securing a career within Hedge Fund as a manager as a career goal. I dont have a background within Trading but I have a strong sales background combined with a MSc in Actuarial Science.

Please can someone advise me on how to go about getting into this role...I dont mind working my way up but at the moment I dont know if I need to do any exams for this or which companies to speculatively approach

Thanks for all advice in advance


with all due respect you won't end up being a fund manager with no trading experience. if you have a sales background then hedge fund sales would be a very real (and lucrative) career move however bear in mind then that hedge funds recruit heavily from IB's and at the moment I'd say things are not great for job-hunting.

just for your guide-I'd love to be a fund manager and I have a trading background 🙂 i'd also like to be a formula 1 driver.
Thanks for your reply gooseman and lol...Point taken within your last sentence. Agreed I reckon its a bit ambitious.

Maybe hedge fund sales could be a good move. In tough times sales careers can help bring in the revenue into investment banks and , by logic, hedge funds. Would you know of any hedge funds to approach?
mate there is your amount of hedge funds out there-best bet is to check out the magazine, I think it's called Eurohedge or something along those lines.....alternatively walk around Mayfair knocking on doors-every other one will be some sort of hedge fund 🙂

Do an MSc in Financial Mathematics or similar (could do it part-time).

there are a number of roles available at hedge funds such as operations, sales (although fewer) and analyst positions. the msc in act sci could actually help with sales particularly if your fund is marketing to investment consultants and pension funds.

although many hedge funds can be seen as more organised and institutionalised prop trading desks you DO NOT need to be a trader to succeed at a hedge fund. there are so many more fundamentals oriented strategies out there where the focus is on company fundamentals and long term investing.

i graduated with a bsc in act sci last summer and went onto a grad prog at a firm specialising in hedge funds (single mgr and fofhs). wht these guys have said is right, you need to be proactive and take the initiative yourself to find hedge funds because believe me there are plenty out there in mayfair and the surrounding area! that is the only way to get in aside from networking because hedge funds rarely take people without ib experience.

ohh and you need to be clear as to what you want to do at a hedge fund. if you are not sure what you wana do then banks are the place to be because they have the resources to help you get to your eventual goals. also make your choice wisely because hedge funds are the coolest thing to be associated with at the moment but it doesnt mean that its the best place for a career if you are not sure what you really wana do or dont have the right experience for it.

i know a fund of funds which take people on but you need to prove yourself over a few months on crappy pay before they offer you a proper contract. good luck!
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a bit longer than i had intended and may come across slightly negative too but just sharing my view on the topic.

the opps are out there but you need to look for them. PM if you want the name of the fof.