Advice pls,for Confused Ex-Actuary going Financial!



I've pretty much toed a one side-track career line. I studied Actuarial Science Undergraduate, worked abit in the insurance industry, then have spent over two years now as an Actuarial trainee in an Actuarial Consulting Firm. Consequently i started the Actuarial exams a little while back and have passed two Core Technical papers thus far.

However due to certain discontents with the profession,especially the slow frustrating pace of writing those actuarial exams, i am opting out of that path and going Financial. I'll be starting an M.Sc Finance&Investments in Aston Business School by September. I figure this will fasttrack a basic understanding of the Finance&Investment world since i have limited knowledge there.

Here's where i am stuck. Yes,i am stepping out of Actuarial Science, but i really don't have a clue what next! I choose Finance&Investment because i enjoyed the Actuarial Exams i wrote along that line and the financial maths bit of it is still up my alley.

I need advice on what professional exams/certifications to jump into during my M.Sc. I need to make up for the two years i've lost passing just TWO Actuarial papers in two years!I've been busying online trying to get info,but i figure i'd drop a word here too.
Would it be a waste to finish the programme and go core insurance, or do i hopp entirely into finance. And in that regards, do i go into investments, the corporate world, or what what? Exams: CFA,CIMA??Certificates..etc.

Any advice in this regard would be highly appreciated!

P.S Awesome site!!!