YouTube - Game Over Yeeaaah!!!
Down to £10+ so out of the game
Good luck guys
Down to £10+ so out of the game
Good luck guys
Well guys, I don't know!!
When capital spreads were offering the 70 pound offer, I had a a similar argument put up.
With such a small amount and minimum bet size its very difficult.
The whole issue here is timing, as far as I am aware you do not have to place your trade as soon as the money is credited to your account.wait and time your trades.
I managed to turn capital spreads bonus into a decent amount.Not without a lot of hard work and stress.
I have opened a etx account to see if I can repeat the experiment.
I will publish the results of my endeavor here once completed , with the help of the Powers that may be.
The object of the exercise was to show that if you are patient and plan your trades and use effective money management you can suceed at this business. The profit might not be considered brilliant by some but for newsbies starting out and those who consider that that are some dangerous views on this thread it shows you do not need large amounts of money to start trading you can start small and build up.
(risking 20 pips at 50p/point not betting the ranch obviously 10% risk is not good but thats the lowest you're going to get it starting with £100 realistically).
How did you use "effective money management"?
Look at post 126 its a brilliant example of good money management🙂
They're a clever person, wish I thought of that.
Well from your statements it looks like you started off 50p/pip? It's fairly high risk relative to account. Were you using tight stops? I'm not seeing the "effective money management" side yet.
Its more a question of how good your entry is, I don't actually like tight stops if you time your entry correctly you really should not have to worry about tight stops.
ETX frozen anyone else's charts at 14:40 and made them call to trade?
I am glad to see someone else having issues with ETX
I experienced that last night and also noticed that the prices sometimes were way out not always to the negative.