The truth of the matter is there are no hack programmers, there are only **** poor analysts, designers and managers.
There are xxxx coders out there working for $12.50 per hour in the western hemisphere
El Cid claims to be developing a serious application (although god knows how you could on a budget of 5K). He imposes no coding standards on suppliers, and yet he's amazed when he gets garbage back. He has no formal test plan, other than stick it on an account and see what happens, and he's shocked when he ends up with a train wreck.
Thats garbage , cause right now I am forward testing before putting tem on real account.I use a professional service nowadays somebody who does the testing of his own codes
Just as dogs can smell fear, programmers can see a mug punter, and believe me, they'll exploit it for all its worth, its like taking candy from a baby.
not if u use an honest person .I do not refer to your mates at TSD
Ive written far too much code to be seduced by elegant solutions, I want robust and maintainable code rather than elegance. With the exception of certain classes of application (games being a good example), if you want an algorithm to run at double the speed throw the money at additional or better hardware, no programming resources.
my programmers work is very robust on testing