have a laff on me !!

sorry about the poor way i put things across brumby what i meant was i can get into the acount and i can press buttons and trade what i ment by cant is i cant operate it with the knowlage i have at this moment in time

they have not clarifyed and detailed conditions other than i have to trade the acount to work off a bonus i never agreed to in the first place , if i was able to work the acount with some decree of sucsess then i might manage to work this bonus off but at this point i would loose the lot and that might be worse , i am of the frame of mind to to dump them and take the loss on the nose leaving the acount dangling for ever in space ! peace of mind has a price too looks like mine is £10,000 am am not about to take on legal fights which will most likely go nowhere other than a solicitors pocket lol,

The task ahead is daunting but there is a pathway that at least you can take rather than just do nothing. As I previously suggested, proceed with a withdrawal request and establish what hurdles they put in front of you. Follow the withdrawal procedure they outlined on their website. If they insist that the turnover condition has to be met, then ask them to specify exactly where it is stated in their terms and conditions. If you are to take this issue say to a Fair Trades Commission (if there is one in your country) you need to provide facts including Universe Markets official position to you. There are escalatory protocols in any dispute and should be followed.
thnx for that mike i am in scotland so this contact details is very help full i will contact them this morning cheers m8t

It's entirely possible that others will have lodged their complaints with the FOS.
If people don't act then the crooks win. So you must do whatever it takes to keep the pressure on them.
ohh well the good news is that financial ombudsman services are open at 8am in a morning and the bad news is there is nothing they can do as universe markets are not a registered company full stop !

they said only road is legal but i am not going down that road as thats more money down the plug hole ,
ohh well the good news is that financial ombudsman services are open at 8am in a morning and the bad news is there is nothing they can do as universe markets are not a registered company full stop !

they said only road is legal but i am not going down that road as thats more money down the plug hole ,

What payment method did you use to fund your account?
hi guys hope your all making a buck! and thanx for taking me on board if you have time sit down and have a read !

firstly i did not know anything at all about trading but i know a little now, the hard way
i kept seeing adds on face book to join up from £250 and start trading so i went for it and got an acount opened being told a broker would contact me this is two days before xmas 2017 , he phoned me that afternoon and a long conversation too place where i detected he needed more cash , i was very dubious about this so he said i will show you what i can do and get back to you , at 9pm that night he phoned to ask me to now look at my acount , i got a shock it was up to £800 and i saw the trades he did
so i gave him £2,000 which is all i had at the time but this did not seem to be enough lol now i know different however time passed and the balance went up and he kept phoning for more money i ended up giving £10,000 over thinking this would do the trick as i have now found out about platforms , this manager was very poor at giving imformation out on to how all this works i had to glean what i could of google , but he keeps phoning for more money , so i told him that was it no more then i decided to jack it inn and call my money back just what i put inn only, i got an email back saying i cant as i agreed to a bonus which i most certenly did not , he then said as i dont want him to be his manager any more i will have to service this acount which i cant as i will loose all the money in one go lol , i then went back to check all the deposits and all the trades and find there is £3,000 i cant acount for , with the knowlage i have now it would seem that this bonus was slipped inn right after i had paid my first £2,000 making it to £5,000 and then getting me on the platform which would seem what he wanted , i never agreed to anything and i never signed any documents for any bonus
since then my acount has done nothing for the last five weeks and sits there with £17000 inn it , so the fact i cant work this platform and he wont work it things dont look so good so i have set my mind now to a write off job and loose it all
unles you guys know different , the companies name is universe markets

ok you can all call me a clown now :whistling

a fool and his money are soon parted...

tell them you want your deposits back or you will be reporting them to the police

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a fool and his money are soon parted...

tell them you want your deposits back or you will be reporting them to the police


i have asked for my deposits back but they say i can get them back as i have a bonus i have to service, and being that they are not trading my acount anymore and i dont know how to work it and there is a time factor on the service of this bonus it looks like it will run out and they will then send me a whopping bill the only thing left it would now seem is the fraud squad i have the number now for them and will be contacting them on monday , as said before i never agreed to any bonus not only that if i had then i would of thought they would need a signiture and furnish me with the details of a said bonus
i have asked for my deposits back but they say i can get them back as i have a bonus i have to service, and being that they are not trading my acount anymore and i dont know how to work it and there is a time factor on the service of this bonus it looks like it will run out and they will then send me a whopping bill the only thing left it would now seem is the fraud squad i have the number now for them and will be contacting them on monday , as said before i never agreed to any bonus not only that if i had then i would of thought they would need a signiture and furnish me with the details of a said bonus

If you are to go to the appropriate authorities that Universe Markets have behaved fraudulently, you need to at least establish such facts and that you have gathered sufficient evidence to present your case. In my view, you have not met the hurdle.

You need to first establish from the terms and agreement that you were provided with as part of your sign-up what exactly did you agree to. With typical sign-on process, you go through a number of steps and agreeing to certain terms and conditions. Your agreement can be as simple as ticking a box that you have read and are in agreement to the terms and conditions and your sign up is completed when you press the enter button. Did you go through those steps? Yes or No? If you did, were you given a set of terms and conditions (usually in pdf) for your records? If you have them, you need to refer to those conditions specified for withdrawals including the turnover conditions necessary for bonus deposits.

There are some information available on their website which in my view may not be sufficiently comprehensive.

Their withdrawal policy

Their bonus policy

The fact that a sum total of $7000 bonus deposit had gone into your account is prima facie evidence you have agreed to avail of it. According to their website, the turnover requirement is 30 times of each bonus dollar deposit. A $7000 bonus deposit would require a turnover of 30 X $7000 = $210,000. This would seem to be a very low threshold requirement and hence I am sceptical that my interpretation of their policy is accurate. Just trading 2.1 standard lots of EURUSD would get you there with a stop of 20 pips and target of 20 pips. The worst case is loosing 20 pips X 2.1 X $10 = $420 to get back your $10,000. As I told you before, you need to establish the facts as I am simply speculating.

The other thing that you mentioned that puzzles me is that you referenced to the fact that they were trading your account on your behalf but has since stopped. Did you provide them with a limited power of attorney? Without it they should not be able to legally trade your account.
If you are to go to the appropriate authorities that Universe Markets have behaved fraudulently, you need to at least establish such facts and that you have gathered sufficient evidence to present your case. In my view, you have not met the hurdle.

You need to first establish from the terms and agreement that you were provided with as part of your sign-up what exactly did you agree to. With typical sign-on process, you go through a number of steps and agreeing to certain terms and conditions. Your agreement can be as simple as ticking a box that you have read and are in agreement to the terms and conditions and your sign up is completed when you press the enter button. Did you go through those steps? Yes or No? If you did, were you given a set of terms and conditions (usually in pdf) for your records? If you have them, you need to refer to those conditions specified for withdrawals including the turnover conditions necessary for bonus deposits.

There are some information available on their website which in my view may not be sufficiently comprehensive.

Their withdrawal policy

Their bonus policy

The fact that a sum total of $7000 bonus deposit had gone into your account is prima facie evidence you have agreed to avail of it. According to their website, the turnover requirement is 30 times of each bonus dollar deposit. A $7000 bonus deposit would require a turnover of 30 X $7000 = $210,000. This would seem to be a very low threshold requirement and hence I am sceptical that my interpretation of their policy is accurate. Just trading 2.1 standard lots of EURUSD would get you there with a stop of 20 pips and target of 20 pips. The worst case is loosing 20 pips X 2.1 X $10 = $420 to get back your $10,000. As I told you before, you need to establish the facts as I am simply speculating.

The other thing that you mentioned that puzzles me is that you referenced to the fact that they were trading your account on your behalf but has since stopped. Did you provide them with a limited power of attorney? Without it they should not be able to legally trade your account.

if you go into a bank to take out or put inn some money then it would not be normal to find out two weeks later you have a mortguage , basicly i have opened an acount to trade then found out some four weeks later i have a bonus of £3,000 which i did not sign up for or agree to if i had then i would presume that there would be some kind of paper work stating all the rules and regs of the said bonus this is 2018 and a provider of anything has a duty of care to provide all the detaile of any said deals , as fr as i am aware if you have a platform manager he is the man that does all the trades not me this has been the case from day one
i have asked for my deposits back but they say i can get them back as i have a bonus i have to service, and being that they are not trading my acount anymore and i dont know how to work it and there is a time factor on the service of this bonus it looks like it will run out and they will then send me a whopping bill the only thing left it would now seem is the fraud squad i have the number now for them and will be contacting them on monday , as said before i never agreed to any bonus not only that if i had then i would of thought they would need a signiture and furnish me with the details of a said bonus

This sounds ridiculous, a genuine business in this industry would let you take your original deposits back whenever you wanted to. Forget the bonus, get back just what you have put in asap and move on.
This sounds ridiculous, a genuine business in this industry would let you take your original deposits back whenever you wanted to. Forget the bonus, get back just what you have put in asap and move on.

i agree whole heartedly with you on this only problem is they are a scam out fit and scam loads of people , they operate in the uk with no licence and not registered , and it would seem above the law , but we will find out more on this next week when i contact the fraud squad this is the advice i have been given by my solicitor
i do not believe that you have given the broker any money at all.
do you have any proof-statement etc.
sounds like a fantasy story m8
i do not believe that you have given the broker any money at all.
do you have any proof-statement etc.
sounds like a fantasy story m8

why on earth would i want to prove anything to you ? dont have the time of day to be responding to statements like yours,
hi Brumby this is a copy of the email i was sent when i told him i want to shut down the acount maybe i am not reading it right

Dear Paul,

I don't understand what is what you say but i have no problem to close your account and return your funds.
Remember that you have received and accepted a Bonus from us when you started your account and this means that you need to generate a Turn Over
until be able to close your account. since you don't want me managing your trades and specifically wrote that you want me to stop trading for you from today. its you that need to generate the turn over and when you done you can withdrawal all your funds including the profits and continue with your life and what ever you do.
you say this a copy of the e mail-its the exact language that you use.
its just you making stuff up mate.
you say this a copy of the e mail-its the exact language that you use.
its just you making stuff up mate.

sorry m8t your on a different planet best not comment on things thats far out of your reach you must live in a glass box un aware of the out side world , i am not even going to begin trying to explain anything to you , some forums have got them and this one is no different its got you :clap::clap: