sorry about the poor way i put things across brumby what i meant was i can get into the acount and i can press buttons and trade what i ment by cant is i cant operate it with the knowlage i have at this moment in time
they have not clarifyed and detailed conditions other than i have to trade the acount to work off a bonus i never agreed to in the first place , if i was able to work the acount with some decree of sucsess then i might manage to work this bonus off but at this point i would loose the lot and that might be worse , i am of the frame of mind to to dump them and take the loss on the nose leaving the acount dangling for ever in space ! peace of mind has a price too looks like mine is £10,000 am am not about to take on legal fights which will most likely go nowhere other than a solicitors pocket lol,
The task ahead is daunting but there is a pathway that at least you can take rather than just do nothing. As I previously suggested, proceed with a withdrawal request and establish what hurdles they put in front of you. Follow the withdrawal procedure they outlined on their website. If they insist that the turnover condition has to be met, then ask them to specify exactly where it is stated in their terms and conditions. If you are to take this issue say to a Fair Trades Commission (if there is one in your country) you need to provide facts including Universe Markets official position to you. There are escalatory protocols in any dispute and should be followed.