Handle leak in CMC MarketMaker



Would like to know if anyone else is seeing the same problem as I am with CMC MarketMaker 5?

Handles can be monitored in XP Taskmanager by clicking on 'Processes' then 'View/Select Columns.../Handle Count/OK'

What happens is when the main MarketMaker window is not minimised, the handle count keeps increasing, when it gets to about 12,000 it starts to cause problems in XP.

However when the main MarketMaker window is minimised the handle count stops increasing.

I'd like to know if anyone else is seeing this problem before I raise it with CMC.

Thanks in advance,
Hi Pete,

I have the latest MarketMaker (MM), also v5 but with specific version info of 20050519153850.

After running this all day, TaskManager shows 943 handles for iiAppStart (I believe that's the main host process for MM).

I've been using MM a lot for about 9 months now and can't say I've ever noticed any XP instability.

What windows do you have open in MM, how much RAM do you have? Maybe your problem depends on these factors?

I have a total of 10 single instrument windows open at the moment and 3 other windows. I have 768MB of RAM on the machine that I run MM on.

Good luck!

marben said:
Hi Pete,

I have the latest MarketMaker (MM), also v5 but with specific version info of 20050519153850.

After running this all day, TaskManager shows 943 handles for iiAppStart (I believe that's the main host process for MM).

I've been using MM a lot for about 9 months now and can't say I've ever noticed any XP instability.

What windows do you have open in MM, how much RAM do you have? Maybe your problem depends on these factors?

I have a total of 10 single instrument windows open at the moment and 3 other windows. I have 768MB of RAM on the machine that I run MM on.

Good luck!


Hi Marben,

Thanks for that, looks like the problem is elsewhere then. I've 10 charts open on MarketMaker and 1.25G of RAM which should be plenty.

Looks like a reinstall of XP will be called for over the weekend... 🙁

I'll probably just create another XP install on a second partition and run MarketMaker on that.

Thanks again,

I've been using Market Maker for about 8 months now on both Windows 2000 (at work) at XP Home (at home). I get different problems with both installations.

Both machines have 512Mb RAM, but the machine at home is a 2.8GHz processor, the one at work 1.1Ghz.

At work (Windows 2000), Market Maker will give an error message 1-2 times a day and shut itself down. Which is a nightmare when I'm trading - I always make sure stops and limits are in place just in case. However when opened again it works fine. Not sure what the problem is here.

At home (XP Home), it tends to fight with other programmes and becomes unresponsive. This doesn't happen all the time, again perhaps only once a day. I have narrowed this down to a problem with the new Java and XP fighting each other (so to speak), but am unsure how to resolve this. Again I have to make sure any open trade is covered with stops and limits - but it can result in me sometimes missing an entry point for a quick scalp and is very frustrating. The computer processor runs at 100% and not even Ctrl-Alt-Del will work - pulling the plug usually does, but it's not recommended 😉

one suggestion before re-installing your XP Version. Check the Java version !!!

Remove all the "Java 2 Runtime Environment" installed on your computer.

When the remove process is finished, go to http://www.java.com/ and select "Get It Now" to install the latest version of Java.

This takes you just a couple of minutes and maybe solves your problem.

Hi Jilly

Just found this thread - I replied to your problem on

I found the new Marketmaker graphs made things really slow, so might be worth having a basic trading layout. Also the web version is enough to do the basics so could help with your scalping.

This week I'm getting by OK on 128Mb RAM after some trial and error testing. Both this and my faster machine run on Windows 2000 and have never had the Marketmaker problem in 2+years that you mention occurs on your work machine. There might be some issues related to using your company's servers/PC so if poss. I would discuss with the IT people.

Managed to 'cure' the handle problem by moving the main MarketMaker window across to the other monitor and back again, after that is stops it's handle eating... 😕

As for the minimum spec, I'd advise plenty of memory, I think CMCs recommended amount is 1024MB though 512MB might be enough if nothing else is running.

Also run 'Taskmanager' and click on the peformance tab and check the CPU is not maxing out at 100% for more than a few moments at a time.

I'm not saying it won't run on less, it may be fine for some people but for others it may not be.
