CMC MarketMaker under Linux?


Senior member
I understand that CMC MarketMaker uses Java. There are some slight incompatibilities between Sun's Windows JRE and Sun's Linux JRE IIRC.

I can't get MarketMaker to run under WINE - obscure java errors, and WINE isn't too good with java stuff anyways. Also, I would rather not entrust my trading to WINE.

Is it possible to natively execute CMC MarketMaker under Linux? Has anyone here been successful in even starting it?

I am using a stock Windows 2000 install under VMWare on my machine to run MarketMaker, which thankfully runs okay on my dual monitor setup, but it does have some stuttering.

My machine is an Athlon 64 3200+, 1GB DDR 400 (dual channel), 2x320GB SATA drives in software RAID0 (/dev/mdX), GeForce 7600GT (AGP), dual monitors on 1 X screen (2720x2048x24bpp). I am running Gentoo Linux with kernel 2.6.19 and Sun JRE 1.6.0-r1.

Any tips appreciated. Please don't suggest running MM under windows natively with dual boot. I can only relax running it under Windows because it is in VMWare from a user account and firewalled off by IPTABLES, behind another machine, behind NAT (without windows ports forwarded).

Also, I note that MarketMaker starts some sort of local httpd for CMC Plus. Anyone else noticed this?
It *should* run on Linux. I use IB's TWS (Java) on Linux and it is extremely reliable.

If you post the error you are getting I might be able to help.
No error specifically

Hi dcraig1

Thanks for the offer of help. I would appreciate it if you could visit CMCMarkets and Download Marketmaker and give it a try. It comes as a Windows executable, but unzip and cabextract are your friends.

I'm not terribly sure how to get this working under linux - I just know that Wine bombs out (and I don't really want to trust my finances to Wine in all honesty - there are bugs).

If you could give a bash at running natively on the distro of your choice, and post instructions or observations I would be very much obliged.

Oh, this is a little offtopic for these boards, but I will mention it anyway. If anyone is looking for a new Linux laptop and doesn't want to pay the Microsoft Tax, The Linux Emporium are selling Lenovos and ThinkPads with Linux preinstalled. Hope this is useful for some people here - I only just found out about them.

MarketMaker and Linux

Hi there, I hope your still listening as the post is a little old. I'm doing a little research into MarketMaker, which I have started using recently. I have stumbled across your entry:

"I can only relax running it under Windows because it is in VMWare from a user account and firewalled off by IPTABLES, behind another machine, behind NAT (without windows ports forwarded)".

I am wondering whether there are any issues with security or other that I am not aware of (as could be extrapolated from the above text).