guarantee 10 points per week?

elliottmillion said:
if anyone could get 2 points a day, guarenteed, surely they would be a billionaire?

Yes and No.

Assuming you're 'betting the ranch' on each day's trade...

In time - depending upon your starting capital - YES - (in theory).

However, you would find it harder and harder to get fills for your increasingly enormous trading capital, so - NO (in practise).

In any event, it would have to be a 100% guarantee or the first loss would wipe you out completely.
If i was a spread better i could guarantee making 10 points a week.Just switch to direct access trading and stop paying those 10 points to the sb company.
But Naz, even with your experience and knowledge, you wouldn't be betting the ranch on every trade would you? Even you still take a losing trade now and again. 🙂

You might make 10pts/week (guaranteed), but you would have drawdown.

I think elliottmillion's point was if you had a 100% guarantee winning system, you could trade up the whole pot very quickly to a billion or so.
my point was that anyone who has any guarenteed system, whether its 1 point a week or 1,000,000 points per week, would be the richest person in the world. Obviously the rate at which the wealth could be obtained would depend on whether you were spreadbetting with City Index, or trading Microsoft Shares.
There is one way to turn £5,000 into £250 million but it does take 25 years.
Start a spreadbet company IG started with £5k

Back in the real world I only made 335 points this week, hope I do better next week :cheesy:
how do you start a spread betting company with £5k,

why don't we all start a spread betting company together on trade 2 win!
Setting up the company not a problem, programming software relatively easy, getting FSA approval forget it
Ten points a week doesn't seem too difficult. You could arbitrage 2 points a day without too much problem, well until SB starts messing you about. But sorry to sound like a stuck record but 100% is a little ambitious, although arbitrage is as close as you'll get but it does involve alot of screen staring.
Hey elliotmillion,

I'll start an SB with you! I reckon I could do a better than any of them in terms of customer service and as soon as anyone starts (god forbid) making a little money we'll just close their account and send the boys round.

But seriously is that true about IG being started with £5,000, wow, does anyone know who started it? When was it formed?