GREY1 P/L daily

leovirgo said:
Hi Grey1,

Yes, my objective is to win consistently on a LT basis. Losses are part of the game, but they have to be within the tolerance level. Btw, it took me nearly two months to read and digest your posts on this BB, some as old as three years ago.

Since the Dow has broken upside, I went Long and recouped almost all of earlier losses for Dow.

What I observed was.. I got too many Long signals in my stock watchlist. But they are not below VWAP. They are just above VWAP or less than 50% of the range between upper MPD and VWAP. I didn't take them as I needed more understanding about this situation within the VWAP framework. ,..

The only way you can take long postion under the above circumstanes if exhaustion engine is OS then yes you can take a LONG postion .

leovirgo said:
For the directional trades, if the prices are NOT below VWAP, is it okay to go long as long as the stock and the market are both not exhausted? How do we measure potential reward?
We go long, with predefined Stop and exit on exhaustion. I will appreciate if you can correct me.


NO you must wait for Engine to be OS before you go long .. The potential reward is current price - MPD band price

Exhaustion engine is an eye opener and you must stick to it . We trade LONG WHEN $INDU IS OS or near enough
Macci parameters - again

Hi Grey 1
When double-checking the parameters for the Exhaustion engine, when I found a thread in which there seems to be a contradiction.
Here are two posts quite close together which give different numbers gives CCI(6) and SMA(5) gives CCI(20) and SMA(6)

As you have changed your style a bit towards capturing smaller moves, perhaps this is the reason for speeding up the MACCI by using the parameters in post #118 ?

Could you clarify please ?

Thanks for any help as always.
Hi Glenn

Am answering for Iraj which I hope is fine, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he is using an adaptive version of the CCI, and an adaptive average to smooth it further.

Grey1 said:
The only way you can take long postion under the above circumstanes if exhaustion engine is OS then yes you can take a LONG postion .

NO you must wait for Engine to be OS before you go long .. The potential reward is current price - MPD band price

Exhaustion engine is an eye opener and you must stick to it . We trade LONG WHEN $INDU IS OS or near enough
thanks Grey1.

Glenn said:
Hi Grey 1
When double-checking the parameters for the Exhaustion engine, when I found a thread in which there seems to be a contradiction.
Here are two posts quite close together which give different numbers gives CCI(6) and SMA(5) gives CCI(20) and SMA(6)

As you have changed your style a bit towards capturing smaller moves, perhaps this is the reason for speeding up the MACCI by using the parameters in post #118 ?

Could you clarify please ?

Thanks for any help as always.

I just got back to trade the open . So I am so sorry i am late . I will reply after hours as i have to go out again . This settings needs explanation and you all MUST know as advanced traders why we choose setting for MACCI or any other Indicator the way we do .

I closed an over night 2000 long JOYG earlier and again went long on JOY G to give me a no nonesence profit of $2900.25 in no time .

Trading is the best business if you ask me and we all get there sooner or later. I have few guests here so cannot really be around as much as i wish to contribute but am doing my best

once again Muchas Gracis mr market catch me if ya can



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Hi Grey1,

Thanks for your reply the other day re high cpu use and macci differences. I know alot of people say radar screen is very memory intensive but this still seemed a bit extreme. I tried running different indicators and found that the cpu seemed to be at normal levels. I spoke at great length to the very unhelpful staff at TS support and got nowhere with them. To cut a long story short after playing around I found that the last line in the code for "IrajMACCI-send" was printing to the easy language output bar. Removing this line "if lastbaronchart then print(getsymbolname," ",Name);" from the indicator returned my cpu usage back to normal (for TS that is) levels.
I know you have said that you have problems running more than about 20 symbols and wondered if this might be part of the problem (not sure if the code you use is exactly the same as this).
Hope this may be of use to you or anyone else,

Regards MarkB

Does the indicator still work now that you have removed this line and does it update in realtime ?

Hi Paul,

Yes, the indicator still works fine and updates in real time. There is a small lag sometimes between the chart indicator value and radar screen but nothing like as bad as before. Strangely enough if volume starts to pick up it seems to update better, it certainly doesn't appear to be as resource intensive as other people have found. Attached is a screen shot showing the radar screen for SYMC and MACCI on the charts, you can see the values are the same.

Regards Mark.


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MarkB said:
Hi Paul,

Yes, the indicator still works fine and updates in real time. There is a small lag sometimes between the chart indicator value and radar screen but nothing like as bad as before. Strangely enough if volume starts to pick up it seems to update better, it certainly doesn't appear to be as resource intensive as other people have found. Attached is a screen shot showing the radar screen for SYMC and MACCI on the charts, you can see the values are the same.

Regards Mark.

Thanks. I think the pressure is from the vwap engine as that is the main part of the calculation .

I am up and done with $3546.79 with all the trades. I was away most of the after noon so not many trades.



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hello everyone,

did anyone catch AKAM today 😱 all CCI indicators were pointing at -100 1,3, 5 and even 10 and 15 min.

this one really scared me.
I had the worse they of my trading since 1999 ( they found Anthrax in white house and i was long 4 semi's you can imagine what happend ). 4 times screen froze. 4 Holes in data. VWAP engine was giving short instead of long . Radar data was delayed by few seconds.

My ass was truly kicked to day until I cut my core stocks to 5 only and managed to get the engine going . The final awesome signal was APPL SHORT and i was Like OMG SHORT APPL ? How on earth am i getting SHORT APPL ?

Shorted APPL any way with $ 6376 profit. My thanks to VWAP ENGINE AND RISK MANAGER

$up 1532 but ffs what a day ?


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Well done on a remarkable recovery from a difficult day and I have a question:

Why did you allow JOYG and BRCM to go into such a large loss before closing the trade especially as this was not the case with the other stocks that you lost on or was this because of such large size and only a small move ?

2 questions

HI Grey1

IT hiccups are most annoying but you managed to come out well.. it's great. When it happened to me a few weeks ago, it made me panic. You are a pro..obviously.

For me,

Shorts: JOYG, GILD and SBUX (SBUX short entry was premature and stopped out)
Long: AKAM.

hence, 3/4. Hats off to Strats 3 !!

Still gotta fine tune my entries.. especially for directional trades.

I would like to ask you two questions re: AAPL today. Would be grateful if I can learn from your professional judgement.

1. Can you explain why you short AAPL??? It was OB around 1700hrs, and again 1830hrs. I guess you shorted at 1830 OB. Why didn't you short it earlier at 1700hrs?

2. I saw a directional LONG since the opening and tempted to go long when it came back below VWAP. My system said Go long @ 1600 hrs. What is your assessment on that entry signal? How did it show up in your VWAP engine at that time? It is marked on the chart below.

Thanks and regards, ...


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Trader333 said:

Well done on a remarkable recovery from a difficult day and I have a question:

Why did you allow JOYG and BRCM to go into such a large loss before closing the trade especially as this was not the case with the other stocks that you lost on or was this because of such large size and only a small move ?


The computer was off and I was in the middle of rebooting while JOYG was rallying .


I have always made sure that I have my broker number in both my landline and mobile in position # 1 in the event that I get the same that you did today. In less than 30 seconds you should be able to get to the trading desk and close any trades that you may wish to. It is maybe worth considering ?

leovirgo said:
HI Grey1

IT hiccups are most annoying but you managed to come out well.. it's great. When it happened to me a few weeks ago, it made me panic. You are a pro..obviously.

For me,

Shorts: JOYG, GILD and SBUX (SBUX short entry was premature and stopped out)
Long: AKAM.

hence, 3/4. Hats off to Strats 3 !!

Still gotta fine tune my entries.. especially for directional trades.

I would like to ask you two questions re: AAPL today. Would be grateful if I can learn from your , professional judgement.

1. Can you explain why you short AAPL??? It was OB around 1700hrs, and again 1830hrs. I guess you shorted at 1830 OB. Why didn't you short it earlier at 1700hrs?

2. I saw a directional LONG since the opening and tempted to go long when it came back below VWAP. My system said Go long @ 1600 hrs. What is your assessment on that entry signal? How did it show up in your VWAP engine at that time? It is marked on the chart below.

Thanks and regards, ...

Hi ,

Yes i shorted right at the top @ 18.30 ish . The $INDU was not any where near OB earlier .Hence no short ...

You should have taken the long signal @ 16 hours. it would have been a great long. super impose INDU on AAPL and watch the relative strenght of the market against stock .. when market was falling AAPL was rising and you had a VWAP signal too .. I WOULD HAVE TAKEN THE TRADE. This is a Basic TA .. when market and stock diverge you take the stock direction on market PULL BACK . This is a simple concept . I have posted you the tell tale sign of an excellent divergence on aapl to day .. HENCEEEEEEE LONGGGGGGG APPLY

Your entry is always on the first sign of divergence on 1 min chart .


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Trader333 said:

I have always made sure that I have my broker number in both my landline and mobile in position # 1 in the event that I get the same that you did today. In less than 30 seconds you should be able to get to the trading desk and close any trades that you may wish to. It is maybe worth considering ?


They wind me up . I have given up on them .
Grey1 said:
The computer was off and I was in the middle of rebooting while JOYG was rallying .

perhaps a good case for automatic "max stop loss" with every order placed..
Grey1 I total feel your pain with this... i had this happen to me last week.. I only have one cable line and no back. up.. I lost power and cable connection for 3 hours during that day.. A cable worker hit a power line and bamm power down. stupid me had a brokers number written down on a post it but lost it. I was fully margined on AMZN the good news is when i finally contacted the broker AMZN was up 20 cents. lucky me I was almost ready to throw up I felt sick. like Paul said try to put the broker number into a programmable key on the phone or your cell.

nice play on AAPL!! your amazing 😎