Green Growth




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Good Afternoon.

Wish everyone a happy, healthy, peaceful Sunday today. Like to think of our Sundays as easy peazy relaxing days.

We have a video chat planned for this afternoon. Looking forward to spending some of my day with my nieces.

Please choose to embrace love, family & freedom.

I love my family, my friends, my new home & my freedom from the hospital.

Promise not to give up on anyone until my mind is free.

Enjoy a nice Sunday afternoon.

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Mental Health Facilities are in society to prevent folks from hurting & harming people.

There are insane asylums to protect society, prevent homicide & suicide.

If you feel like hurting or harming someone, please reach out & get some help.

I've went to the hospital more than 150 times over the past 20 years to keep society safe.

I've done my best to keep society safe, sane, calm & stable.

Hurting & Harming folks is wrong & against the law.

Please choose to get some help if you are becoming a threat to hurt or harm someone.

Violence is really wrong & against the law.

20 years now I have put forth my best effort to keep society safe, prove myself & be there for family.

I apologize if my online journal upset anyone.

My mental health journal was a positive outlet to express my thoughts, feelings & emotions.

Nice, kind, considerate, safe, sane, calm & stable is how I attempted to live my life.

For 20 years I have had no privacy or mental freedom.

I've been freaking out in constant anxiety all day every day now for 20 years.

I am guilty of jay walking & minding my own business.

In the past 25 years i crossed the road without using a crosswalk in life.

You terrorized me from the moment i woke until the moment I went to bed.

Its been so bad i couldnt brush my own teeth.

Over 150 times to the brink of insanity or suicide.

Over 7,000 days of extreme anxiety. Paranoia to the point I have been physically sick with cramps & diarrhea.

I'm a nice guy who is kind & pleasant to be around. I love my fellow people & planet.

I believe in saving folks & saving planet earth.

You could of focused on feeding the hungry or saving the starving.

You could of focused on saving planet earth from global warming & climate change.

You could of focused on reforming health care so cancer patients can all afford treatment.

Why not maximize success rates of patients recovery & allow people to heal?

A hero would save a human beings life.

A hero would attempt to keep us safe & stable prevent war.

A hero would protect the people & planet earth.
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I tried really hard to keep us all safe, sane, calm & stable.

I tried really hard to generate us all happiness, good health & wealth.

I offered to do anything, anytime, anywhere for family & to prove my innocence.

When this all started I wasn't doing anything wrong.

I was actually in East Lansing attempting to finish my engineering degree?

I wasn't sure I could make it through a week?

I used to weigh 180 pounds & exercise daily.

I was just let out of the hospital were i was weighed in at 335?

I gained 155 pounds laying in a bed thinking thought after thought to keep society safe.

You cant exercise properly in the hospital.

I forgive you all for terrorizing me all day & night for 20 years.

I survived all this torture for my love of life, family & freedom.

Please forgive me so we can all move forward & improve our lives together.

I'm not going to quit on recovery.

I enjoy life here in my rehabilitation center.

Gradually I will improve & recover from 20 years of sleep deprivation & panic attacks.

Please allow me the opportunity to recover & heal myself here in Vicksburg.

Everyone enjoy a nice Sunday afternoon.

Planning on spending time with family & creating some cool drawings together.
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Please be sensible.

It's been 20 years now.

Give me a chance to prove myself innocent.

You are on a witch hunt.

Maybe if you gave me a chance to prove myself innocent you would find out the truth.

I Am Innocent.

Believe in the Constitution of America.

Bill of Rights provides fair & speedy trials.

It is there to protect people equally.

It is there to prevent society from witch hunts.

Bill of Rights is also there to prevent cruel & unusual punishment.

The aim of Government is to serve & protect its people equally.

Lets please get back to our roots.

Please get back to serving & protecting our citizens equally.

Utilize our judges & juries.

Allow folks to learn from their mistakes & become better citizens.

Correctional facilities keep society safe while providing education to folks who have made mistakes.

They are there so people can learn, grow & eventually return safely back into society.

I am actually innocent & would be willing to jump off a bridge if I failed a lie detector test.

My Goodness.

You have attempted to torture me to death for 20 years for something I didn't even do.

Please stop this madness & allow me a fair & speedy trial.

There is no reason to be mad or angry with me.

If you knew the truth about me, maybe you would be proud of me & my accomplishments in life.

I actually protected & rescued women.

Carried one lady to safety down a flight of stairs & across a long parking lot.

Maybe I'm not that bad of a dude after all?

Maybe I've been a pretty good dude most my entire life?

I was sober when I began hearing voices & the voices drove me to drink.

Time after time the voices have terrorized me to the brink of insanity or suicide?

In the past Ive decided to relieve all the pressure through drinking.

Drinking to cope is unacceptable for me.

I have a drinking problem & can't consume alcohol in moderation.

That is why I believe in sobriety & recovery.

Please just love & accept me for who I am.

Please allow me the opportunity to recover & heal myself.

Please give me a chance to be loved again.
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I'm very happy to be here at rehab.

Please allow me to improve now.

No more madness or anger for Ashton.

I am perfectly imperfect.

I've been doing my best for over 20 years now.

I will never be perfect.

Please just love & accept me for who I am.

My imperfections provide opportunities to learn.

I believe in change & am committed to growing.

Lets choose to give it a chance & be happy for my effort in recovery.

May not seem like much, but it's the best opportunity I have had in years.

Thank You to Everyone Who Cares & Believes in Recovery.
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A Brand New Week.

Pre Market figures look decent.

Everyone enjoy a nice morning.

Please continue to support our green stocks.
Hi Folks.

Good news. I am scheduled to start therapy groups online a week from today. Things are improving here slowly & therapy with my mental health provider should only help me recover. Glad our green stocks are producing green graphs once again.

Please believe in recovery for me. Freedom from alcohol is going great. Sober now for over 10 months. No urge or cravings to drink. There is a substance abuse group which I hope to be approved to attend soon. Life is good here.

Please allow me the opportunity to rehabilitate myself so I can get back into working a career in the auto industry. I would eventually like to create an awesome family like my two sisters. Maybe one day I could make them 2 cool aunts for my little ones.

Thanks for you interest in my thread.

Love & appreciate your help & support.

Take Good Care.

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Hi Folks.

Looks like we had a great day today with most our selections.

My Dad took me to Turning Leaf Rehabilitation so I could recover & rehabilitate myself. Glad things seem to be improving here every day. People are all chill & like family already. My new therapist is a great man & will work with me as I better myself. Our Online Group Therapy with my mental health team should be a big help as well.

For 20 years I committed myself to positive changes. I offered to do anything within the law to prove myself to family. Frustrating because some folks might still be on a witch hunt.

Please let me take a lie detector test or stand trial so I can prove that I am innocent.

I am a law abiding citizen who has tried my best to love, accept & forgive my family for telling lies about me.

I had no idea what I was supposed to do to prove myself.

I am an innocent human being.

Please allow me the opportunity to prove myself.

In the last 20 years, I have done my best to hang in there for family until I recover & am set free mentally.

I am a nice, kind, considerate human being who believes in love, family & freedom.

Never in life have I ever intented to even be rude.

Very early in life i had a drinking problem but am sober today which is all I have control over.

Im committed towards achieving long term sobriety for the rest of my life. 10 months is good progress. I want to do my best to improve for folks here & for family.

My goal is to achieve more success in life. More success equals more happiness & joy for myself & family. I am determined to improve myself to be a better uncle, son, brother & friend.

I never give up. I believe in hard work until I accomplish my goals & dreams in life. When I believe in myself, set my mind on something, I usually do achieve it.

Please set me Free or let me prove myself.

Please just love, accept, forgive & allow me to improve here.

I like Turning Leaf & enjoy living with the folks here.

Thank You for your interest in me.

I apologize sincerely if I ever upset anyone.

My mental health journal was a positive coping skill. My journal was intended to help myself improve while sharing my voice with others so they could improve with me.

Sharing my thoughts & ideas with people who would like to listen & grow was a really good way to spend a day.

My goal was to generate all of us lots of love, happiness, wealth & wisdom.

My primary dream was to raise awareness to climate change. Inspire people to act together to embrace changes which save folks, homes, lives & planet earth.

Promote world wide peace & prosperity.

Sharing my voice was intended to help folks change for the better. Idea was to inspire people to believe in positive changes which help protect our people & planet earth.

I apologize sincerely for my drunk day of music & posts. I began that day in therapy working towards improving. That song selection after drinking was completely misunderstood, inappropriate & unacceptable.

What can I say? I'm a human being & human beings sometimes make mistakes.

If I would of posted nothing here, I would of never of had a bad day of posts.

If I posted nothing, maybe we might of missed out on close to 10 years of positive posts.

I learned I have a drinking problem & chose to get some help in a treatment center so I can better my life? Plan to stay sober now for the rest of my life.

Maybe mistakes can make you stronger if you allow yourself an opportunity to learn from them & grow?
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