Graduate with Economics and Finance degree with 2.2

And by the way now can most of you guys reply at this time, don't you guys work in the city or work from home or something.
why do you some of you guys talk of worry and failure, then nether has happaned.

You'd be great TV on the apprentice. - in fact i will be good because i can sell.

Yes i am taking the advice and learning, but i am not going to listen to views about failure and worry.

Worry and failure: there are only 2 types of people regarding this - those that have experienced it; and those who are yet to. You are only 21 years old. Good luck. 🙂
funny - I thought T2W was getting a little boring after spanish's demise.

But alas the next one turns up a few days later...
I am not meaning to be rude with this post, just wondering if you have though about this.

University Rankings League Table 2009 | Good University Guide - Times Online

Employers will be familiar with these league tables in one form or another. This one is just for economics.

Queen Mary is sitting in position 34. Assume the following rules:

1. Anyone from a uni above yours with a 2.2 or better is above you in the pile.
2. Anyone from a uni 20 places above you with a 3rd is above you in the pile.
3. Anyone from a uni no more than 30 below you and with a 2.1 is above you in the pile.
4. Anyone from a uni no more than 60 below you with a first is above you in the pile.

Assume also that there are on average 150 people on each course and that 15% get firsts, 45% get 2.1, 20% get a 2.2, 20% get worse than a 2.2.

We can then separate the people who are above you in the pile into the four groups identified above.

1. (1-0.2)*33*150 = 3960
2. 0.2*14*150 = 420
3. 30*150*0.45 = 2025
4. 0.15*60*150 = 1350

The sum of these numbers is 7755. This is just for economics. Consider that you then have subjects such as Maths, Physics, Engineering etc which are, if anything superior to economics in terms of getting jobs in finance. We now have 31,020 graduates holding superior degrees to you this year. Not all of these are going to be looking for a job in finace. Assume 60% of the economics grads are including finance firms in their applications and 20% of the other three.

This amounts to around 9000 applicants from jkust these four disciplines, who have applied to finance firms for jobs.

Do you want to reconsider your statement about not needing to put anything extra-curricular on your CV? You clearly need to somehow differentiate yourself from the 9000; the only question that you need to ask yourself, is how are you going to do it?
It looks like i am right at the bottom, well i like a challenge.

CHRISTO9HER - Straight A's GCSE and A-Level. 1st from Warwick in Economics (just graduated). SII cert in securities & financial derivatives. Currently trading FX full-time.

how did you do it, straight As. are your parents well educated and did you go to private school.

I think all you guys are going to turn me into a monster, when i start work i don't want to bully people or anything.
It looks like i am right at the bottom, well i like a challenge.

CHRISTO9HER - Straight A's GCSE and A-Level. 1st from Warwick in Economics (just graduated). SII cert in securities & financial derivatives. Currently trading FX full-time.

how did you do it, straight As. are your parents well educated and did you go to private school.

I think all you guys are going to turn me into a monster, when i start work i don't want to bully people or anything.

Have you considered becoming a comedian??? :idea:
ok, how much money will i need to start trading fx or futures. Will i able to find a person to trade with and learn from, like a mentor. Any people on here. first i need to rise the capital.
If its like gambling i cant trade.
if there all these poeple completing against each other i might aswel take some out of the game.
increase my chances of survival.
ok, how much money will i need to start trading fx or futures. Will i able to find a person to trade with and learn from, like a mentor. Any people on here. first i need to rise the capital.
If its like gambling i cant trade.

I'll teach you for a grand a day 👍
I can teach myself for cheaper m8, all just read a few books, market wizards and technical analysis and start trading on a very small account and cut my loses short and let my profits run.
I can teach myself for cheaper m8, all just read a few books, market wizards and technical analysis and start trading on a very small account and cut my loses short and let my profits run.

...and Gordon Brown will win the next election. Good luck though, give it a few years and you might get there.
Hey Niraj, iv read bits of this thread and thought i would reply giving my thoughts.

Firstly i graduated this month from Economics from Nottingham University with a 1st and have a job at pwc september 2009 as a backup, as i am going to start applying to the grad schemes in Aug/Sept for IB's and Mutual Funds. I think this is where your firstly hindered, by not having a 2.1 or the required UCAS points (usually 300) literally hundreds of banking schemes will rule you out and even the big4. Racism does not exist with a computer deciding who to accept/reject to interview, if u were being rejected at interview and u thought it went well, then it would be a different story. And as been pointed out above, there are many others with much better acedemics than you i.e. 2.1 from top 10 who are still finding it tough.

My advice would be to try and apply to local accountants (look through accountancyage top 100) who pay for you to do the ACCA and after 2/3yrs you will be in a much better position to work as an accountant in a bank or in middle office role. Unless u go for a crappy prop trading firm or something, i think u can rule out front office trading/M+A (even im looking at back/middle office). Basically companies without grad schemes dont have the resources to take u on. Alternatively look at corporate banking at HBOS/commercial banking at HSBC as they ask for a 2.2 etc along with quite a few companies in industry. Quality of ur cover letters and how u articulate ur skills will be key. Try and big up "relevant" work experiences on ur apps, talkin abt sellin bathrooms as ur main job doesnt sound impressive, say u worked for the company doing admin/liasing with clients..think big and even lie abit about voluntary work/society work u "cud" have done.
90% you learn out in the field and you think i have not chance, thats why i am not going to trade until a meet an expert and he will teach how to trade.
90% you learn out in the field and you think i have not chance, thats why i am not going to trade until a meet an expert and he will teach how to trade.

I agree experience is the best teacher but teachers (be it the former or latter in your post) do not come for free. Just re-read your sentence and whilst I am not agreeing after all, experience and time is your best option as no one who is worth listening to will teach you for less than my offer. Why on earth would anyone???
I do not want to become an accountant boring, or an audit or an acturial. or a trader. I just want a job like broker, stockbroker, management/financial consultant.
well most people are always happy to help and aid a good freind. once you know how to make friend and network then thats when anything is possible.
I do not want to become an accountant boring, or an audit or an acturial. or a trader. I just want a job like broker, stockbroker, management/financial consultant.

Seriously though, would you hire you after reading this thread??! 😱
Well im sorry to be blunt but unless u have contacts u have no other choice. Working in accounting isnt always boring and after 2/3yrs of training most leave into more exciting work.
look if a become an accountant, i will remain an accountant all my life doing boring stuff, and i will be too lazy to change industry and i do not want to study the acca course.