Graduate with Economics and Finance degree with 2.2

ok-a lot of people i come into contact with in institutions do have A's and 1sts, or the international equivalent.

You want to work for a hedge fund or IB in Saudi, Dubai, or somewhere. Any ideas what you would like to do for them?

Extra curricular activities do count I'm afraid-that's what makes you stand out above someone else with similar academic attriubutes. It's about how you manage your time, or attempt a challenge, or apply yourself to something. Contrary to what you may think firms do not simply want bookworms. (Well perhaps in quant positions)

What are you basing that competition statement on? Without being rude you sold bathrooms. Again you have no proof that you can make money.

As for the rest of the post-that's just garbled nonsense.

As Prince Charles sadi, there is a job for everybody. Not everyone can be a footballer, celeb, etc.
I know I said I was out of this thread but work is quiet and that last post was too big an invite for a reply for me to turn down.

All you guys seem to say that the world is made for the poeple who get As and 1st. The poeple i come in contact, which is a lot of poeple have avarage grades. Say BBA levels and 2.1 degrees.

Chances are that those people, along with those with As at a level and 1st class degress will get recruited before you would. Grades matter.

Yes I did got CCB and I missed Bs by 1 or 2 % and the same with my degree.

That's great but people that did get a 2:1 and did get Bs will still look better than you on their CV.

All i want is a job i am not after IB or anything, just a suitable job in the financial sector. Once I have work experience and a few professional qualifications l am moving out of this country and work for IB or hedge funds in saudi arabia, dubai or someother country.

You've failed to get a job so far and are blaming everybody but yourself. Based on what you've said in this thread you'd have to pay me if I gave you a job.

By the way by CV has been done up professionally where i had to pay money. So its not my CV, its the grades and the work expereince.

That doesn't mean it's any good...

I don't understand how i can have work experience when you sacrifice work for education or take a year out. I have not put in any extra cirrumcular stuff, its got nothing to do with doing a job. Yes I use to run for my school and i use to be the fastest person running 100m. What has that got to do with doing a task, unless i am applying to be a runner. I am well traveled - again nothing to do with doing a job or task.

One word: Clueless.

So your CV has your name, work experience and qualification and nothing else? No wonder nobody has offered you an interview. Activities and achievements outside of work and education probably count for as much as or more than work experience and education - They give an indication of what a person is like as a person! According to your CV you are an uninteresting, unengaging, socially inept person who has achieved mediocrity in education - And you wonder why you're struggling to get an interview let alone a job...

And my main piont i am trying to say this when money, yes money is involved the playing field becomes even, meaning people like me with be a right good compettion for these straights As and 1st. When you are studing there is no financial gain or loss only the grades you get. if money was involved when things might have been different. Believe me.

The playing field was more even too yet you failed to achieve well compared to the competition there too. Sure money adds extra motivation but those with better grades have proven that they have ability and desire without the need for extra motivation. All you've managed to prove to me is that you're good at coming up with poor excuses.

I am applying for every reasonable places for an average person. At the end of the day you are asking to become someones slave and get bossed around for low pay. these companies just want labour.

How do you know that? You've not been there, done it or got the t-shirt. Going by your friends opinions doesn't count for much either because chances are their opinion is highly biased for one reason or another.

These jobs are not dream jobs working for IB boring. I wanted to sign up for the RAF and become a fighter pliot, imagine the speed and g forces your body goes throught.

Then why are you pursuing it? You've no chance of making it anywhere significant in a field you don't seem to want to be in for any reason other than greed.

Two poeple from my uni have got into ib they a few of whom got As and 1st.

Doesn't that tell you something...

I believe anyone and do any job they have to be determined and persistant. Survival of the fittest.

You're certainly persistent - shame you're not one of the fittest though.
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spanish89, Mr E, ali4rmlondon, zdforex, + many many others

You join a long list of posters here who DO NOT LISTEN
Two poeple from my uni have got into ib they a few of whom got As and 1st. - tells me that queen mary isn't that bad.

I have not failed yet in life believe me. I am only just beginning the job search, next stage will be me grapping the job, not asking anymore. Sometime in life you have to take and not ask! With force.

By the way i have been rang up a couple of times. any advice on this.

Why should i blame myself what have i done wrong. wimps and insecure poeple blame themselves.
I went to school did my homework and listened to the teacher, so what if i am weak in exams, it does not mean i am stupid or dump. people have strengths and weaknesses and i think exams are my weaknesses. I am not going to let exams affect my life because of some recruitment process.

I am pursuing high levels of pressure because i love pressure. I never fold under pressure, believe me. Don't mention exams becasue i am not affected my pressure, only memory issues. See thats the point, exams test memory, the better your memory the better your results. Don't try reply with crap k because i have done it and now how to play that silly game of memory.

No i am not clueness, only jobless!

And I can not put some of my extra cirrumium stuff on the CV, they will think i am a mad and crazy person. trust me, i do things most of you guys will be scared of ever doing in your life.

I always like to think of positive things, there are many poeple out there who can not eat, so why should i worry about ****ing exam results and jobs. Theres no need to worry because everything will be ok, i am 21 years old know how the world works.
" trust me, i do things most of you guys will be scared of ever doing in your life." please please enlighten.

the rest is possibly the worst english I have ever come across.
I want to expereince the feeling of the little boys in trading rooms when the market clapses and they all start to worry like little girls. I love that need of stuff. While i will be laughing off my ****ing head. see finance is really interesting, when things are going well, the boys grow balls and when things turn around they lose their balls and turn into little pussies.
Bull and bear markets make money, but pigs gets slaughtered. lol
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What the hell do you mean by that? All people have been trying to do here is help. Something about you seems to make it impossible for you to accept your shortcomings and failures and make any progress.
what failures, i have not failed yet and will never fail. i have no debt, or anything, all i want is a job, nothing more and nothing less.

i am listening to some useful hints and avoiding some aswel.

i think you guys don't like me saying cocky things, but thats who i am.
So you're a cocky guy trying to get into the financial sector with poor A Levels, a 2.2 and no experience. I would be worried if I were you!
Yea I think you're right. I'm going to have to try harder not to rise to the bait.

I think we are on the wrong side.

Maybe we should be advising that poor one company who may by sheer good will, give this guy a job and watch their business go down the pan.

You have got to be one of the worst candidates asking for advice on these sites.

You'd be great TV on the apprentice. :idea:

What a character... :-0
Yea I think you're right. I'm going to have to try harder not to rise to the bait.

I always think it so disappointing when people come on T2W, ask for advice, get it (usually from well-intentioned, well qualified and generous contributors) then don't like it.

One of the best & hardest life-lessons I ever learned was to take advice/criticism and act on it. 🙂
Ok - here`s the truth--you haven`t a hope in hell of getting a decent trading job so if you are really serious go into the back office and work you`re nuts off. Then maybe , just maybe, an opening in the front office will occur. It worked for me and all I had was GCSE`s. Ended up as forex dealer for a bank and eventually headhunted for a broking position. Good luck, you`ll need it.
why do you some of you guys talk of worry and failure, then nether has happaned.

You'd be great TV on the apprentice. - in fact i will be good because i can sell.

Yes i am taking the advice and learning, but i am not going to listen to views about failure and worry.
tommac - see thats what i am talking about, theres no need to worry or cry.
And if i do get in, i will make that opening in the front office, believe me.
No one will dare say no to me. too hot to handle.